A comprehensive and exhaustive treatment of the transition process and period, well supplemented by insights into more established presidencies.
Essays detailing the finer points of presidential change, from the role of the board to the use of an executive search firm to the changing role of the presidential spouse.
No one to my knowledge has brought the thinking on presidential transitions together in a scholarly work that equals this volume... This insiders' view is enlightening, useful, and well worth the time and energy required to digest the many observations and suggestions.
Of interest and value to individuals who have a stake in the effectiveness and welfare of colleges and universities and their executive leadership.
Book Details
Part I: Context
Chapter 1. A New Model of Transition Management
Chapter 2. Presidents Who Leave, Presidents Who Stay: A Conversation with Vartan Gregorian
Chapter 3. Pressures on
Part I: Context
Chapter 1. A New Model of Transition Management
Chapter 2. Presidents Who Leave, Presidents Who Stay: A Conversation with Vartan Gregorian
Chapter 3. Pressures on Presidents and Why They Should Leave
Chapter 4. Passing the Baton: Leadership Transitions and the Tenure of Presidents
Part II: Action
Chapter 5. The Role of the Board in Presidential Transition
Chapter 6. A Proactive Model for Presidential Transition
Chapter 7. When Presidents Leave Suddenly: From Crisis to Continuity
Chapter 8. Presidential Turnover and the Institutional Community: Restarting and Moving Forward
Part III: Key Issues
Chapter 9. When Colleges Should, and Should Not, Use Executive Search Firms
Chapter 10. The Interim President: An Effective Transitional Leader
Chapter 11. Leaks Kill: Communication and Presidential Transition
Chapter 12. Weathering the Storm: Institutional Advancement during a Presidential Transition
Chapter 13. Shaky Ground in Troubled Times: The Legal Framework of Presidential Transitions
Chapter 14. Partners in Transition: The President's Spouse as Overlooked Power Base
Chapter 15. Knowing the End of the Beginning: A Conceptual Approach to Presidential Transition
List of Contributors