Drawing from considerable expertise and experience, the authors write in a clear and engaging style... Essentially, the handbook creates a framework of resources for those committees assessing their own work. The authors serve their audience well and this book is a valuable addition to the library of every healthcare ethics committee.
Straightforward writing, and generous use of case studies make it a book that any non-specialist with interest in the field would find compelling.
A strong work based on meticulous research and the wisdom of years of experience... Highly recommended.
Thick with useful information, this multifaceted handbook relays dispatches from the health care front... The authors have indeed met their goal and provided a needed resource.
A very useful background tool for introductory instruction in bioethics... Does an excellent job.
This easily readable, ethically astute book will be extremely useful to the providers in all clinical fields, not just those in pure medicine. It is a must-carry for all libraries covering health care services and human rights.
Hands down the best introduction to clinical bioethics, period. I wish every ethics committee member would read it, and it makes an excellent textbook in introductory bioethics courses as well.
Book Details
Part I. Curriculum for Ethics Committees
1. Ethical Foundations of Clinical Practice
2. Decision Making and Decisional Capacity in Adults
3. Informed Consent and Refusal
4. Truth
Part I. Curriculum for Ethics Committees
1. Ethical Foundations of Clinical Practice
2. Decision Making and Decisional Capacity in Adults
3. Informed Consent and Refusal
4. Truth Telling: Disclosure, Privacy, and Confidentiality
5. Special Decision-Making Concerns of Minors
6. Ethical Issues in Reproduction
7. Special Decision-Making Concerns of the Elderly
8. Ethical Issues in the Care of Disabled Persons
9. End-of-Life Issues
10. Palliation
11. Justice, Health, and Access to Health Care
12. Organizational Ethics
13. Ethics Committees and Research, by Julia Kolak
II. The Creation, Nature, and Functioning of Ethics Committees
14. Profile of Ethics Committees
15. Clinical Ethics Consultation
16. Ethics Education
17. Sample Clinical Cases
18. Sample Policies and Procedures
III. Organizational Codes of Ethics
IV. Key Legal Cases, Legislation, and State Action
V. An Ethics Committee Meeting
Epilogue: Ethics in the Context of a Global Pandemic