Packed with indispensable advice and is an essential resource and reference guide for parents and caregivers. Recommended for all public libraries.
Literally, a lifesaver, From Crib to Kindergarten is a must-read not only for parents, teachers, and child care professionals, and should be an absolutely mandatory study text for first time baby-sitters.
The book is unusually accessible and can be used both as a text and a reference guide by parents with little formal education... The book is chock full of helpful diagrams that deliver clear safety messages.
Book Details
1. Keeping Your Child Safe from Injury: An Introduction
2. Good Night, Sleep Tight: Sleep Safety
3. Splish Splash: Bathing and Dressing
4. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater: Food Safety
5. It's Playtime
1. Keeping Your Child Safe from Injury: An Introduction
2. Good Night, Sleep Tight: Sleep Safety
3. Splish Splash: Bathing and Dressing
4. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater: Food Safety
5. It's Playtime! Toys, Games, and Playgrounds
6. Are We There Yet? Traveling Near and Far
7. Upstairs, Downstairs, and All Around the House
8. Safety, Room by Room
Appendix: Injury Prevention Summary Charts