Will set in motion a golden era of Eliot scholarship.
The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition is an enormous boon to scholars. Present and future generations will owe great debts to [the editors] for their shrewdness, tenacity, and sheer, generous scholarship.
With such a brilliant team of scholars leading the way, The Complete Prose will offer... one of the greatest resources of its kind, combining each piece in Eliot's vast sixty-year archive with expertly detailed contextualization.
If your interest lies in the English and American poetry of the first half of the twentieth century, or with the history of English literature, these are volumes you will want to consult again and again.
One of the more significant reading experiences of my life... a major recognition, after fifty years, of [Eliot's] contribution.
We are in for an incomparable feast.
An important moment in Eliot studies.
This magnificent set of books, The Complete Prose of T.S. Eliot, published at considerable expense and with great care, is a tribute to an important poet and a powerful critic who exerted a genuine influence on the culture of his day. Reading in it, one longs for the time to return when the detritus of the digital age disappears and literature once again occupies a central place in our culture.
One of the most ambitious and revelatory scholarly achievements of our time.
No academic book excited me more this year than the eight-volume Complete Prose of T.S. Eliot: The Critical Edition.
Anyone looking to track Eliot's evolution into the most potent critic of the twentieth century can now follow his career as a tyro literary journalist in volumes 1 and 2 of the magnificent eight-volume edition of his Complete Prose.
Book Details
Volume 1: Apprentice Years, 1905–1918, edited by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 2: The Perfect Critic, 1919–1926, edited by Anthony Cuda and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 3: Literature
Volume 1: Apprentice Years, 1905–1918, edited by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 2: The Perfect Critic, 1919–1926, edited by Anthony Cuda and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 3: Literature, Politics, Belief, 1927–1929, edited by Frances Dickey, Jennifer Formichelli, and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 4: English Lion, 1930–1933, edited by Jason Harding and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 5: Tradition and Orthodoxy, 1934–1939, edited by Iman Javadi, Ronald Schuchard, and Jayme Stayer
Volume 6: The War Years, 1940–1946, edited by David E. Chinitz and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 7: A European Society, 1947–1953, edited by Iman Javadi and Ronald Schuchard
Volume 8: Still and Still Moving, 1954–1965, edited by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard