My career of 40 years has revolved around prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. I wish this book would have been available for my practice to bridge and fill the gap between the patients and significant others. I now recommend this to all of my patients with prostate cancer.
This book is a unique treatise encompassing a breadth of issues that the individual faces upon a diagnosis of prostate cancer in a loved one. It is a 'must read' so that a partner will not feel alone and uninformed along the journey.
I have had the opportunity during fifty years of caring for thousands of men with prostate cancer and making every effort to communicate with their partners to help them through the process of diagnosis and treatment of their loved one's disease. I believe this book will help current partners who have so many questions that need to be answered so that they can be supportive caregivers. This book will be a tremendous help to patients and their partners.
Drs. Baum, Mobley, and Key have provided the medical community with a much needed guide on the management of prostate cancer directed not to the patient but to the patient's partner, friend or family member. It provides invaluable medical and psychological information that is often hard to find and will make dealing with this illness so much easier. It also is a wealth of rea,l scientifically-based evidence and a treasure trove of facts that will combat the many pieces of misinformation that clog the internet. The information is directed at both the body and the mind and as such will be a welcome addition to the patient-centered literature. Bravo to the three of them for putting this gem together.
This book is a great resource for couples going through the life-changing diagnosis of prostate cancer. It provides excellent information on the diagnosis, the testing that is needed, treatment options, and outcomes following treatment. The book also provides insight into what your partner is going through during his treatment, and it also describes what you will likely experience emotionally and physically as you give him needed care and encouragement. It's a very valuable resource for all partners of prostate cancer patients, written by doctors whose advice is rooted in years of experience.
This long-overdue book is a treasure trove of what every prostate cancer patient's partner needs on hand. From the initial diagnosis, through the treatment decision-making process and the subsequent journey of recovery and healing, the doctors' insights and information are invaluable gems. Kudos to the authors for their diligence and forethought.
Drs. Baum, Mobley, and Key have provided the medical community with a much needed guide on the management of prostate cancer directed not to the patient but to the patient's partner, friend or family member. It provides invaluable medical and psychological information that is often hard to find and will make dealing with this illness so much easier. It also is a wealth of real, scientifically-based evidence and a treasure trove of facts that will combat the many pieces of misinformation that clog the internet. The information is directed at both the body and the mind and as such will be a welcome addition to the patient-centered literature. Bravo to the three of them for putting this gem together.
This book provides detailed information about prostate cancer, treatment options, post-treatment effects and management, as well as other psychosocial behavioral issues such as emotional distress, disclosing cancer to others, financial issues, and supportive resources.
Book Details
1. A Partner Tells Her Story
2. The Prostate Gland: What, Where, and Why
3. An Introduction to Cancer
4. The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
5. Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
6. The PSA
1. A Partner Tells Her Story
2. The Prostate Gland: What, Where, and Why
3. An Introduction to Cancer
4. The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
5. Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
6. The PSA Test: What It Is and What It Tells
7. How a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Can Affect You
8. How a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Can Affect Your Partner
9. Treating Localized Prostate Cancer
10. Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer
11. Clinical Trials and Alternative Treatments
12. Prostate Cancer Surgery; Before, During, and After
13. The Side Effects and After-Effects of Treatments
14. Sharing Information about His Cancer
15. The Benefits of Diet and Exercise
16. The Role of Supplements
17. The Power of Prayer
18. The Helpfulness of Mindfulness
19. Managing the Expenses of Prostate Cancer
20. Planning for Dying
About the Authors