There are plenty of reasons to despair about the state of higher education. We need to hope, and this book is hopeful. Not merely optimistic—that's a placid state that puts fingers in ears while chanting 'lalala'—but hope as an active verb that encourages us to strive for transformation. I hope this book will help.
In Leading Generously, Kathleen Fitzpatrick synthesizes models and morals garnered from interviews with nineteen academic leaders into a useful and inspiring guidebook, including a 'Reflection and Discussion' section at the end of each chapter to help us as we work together to change higher ed.
Leading Generously doesn't offer another new paradigm for higher ed leadership—thank God. No, Fitzpatrick's aim is both more modest and more profound: to call us back to the timeless values that guide all real leaders, wherever in the org chart they find themselves. Values that, to steal a phrase from Yeats, are written in the deep heart's core.
In Leading Generously, Fitzpatrick explores how we can remain generous in times of change and crises, not just when it's easy to do so. Powerfully, she doesn't just talk about individual leaders but about 'the structures through which they lead.' We deeply need this grounding and invitation to remake both institutions and models of academic leadership.
Book Details
Part I. The Problem
Chapter 1. Crisis
Chapter 2. Leadership
Part II. The Tools
Chapter 3. People
Chapter 4. Yourself
Chapter 5. Vulnerability
Chapter 6. Together
Chapter 7. Trust
Chapter 8. Values
Part I. The Problem
Chapter 1. Crisis
Chapter 2. Leadership
Part II. The Tools
Chapter 3. People
Chapter 4. Yourself
Chapter 5. Vulnerability
Chapter 6. Together
Chapter 7. Trust
Chapter 8. Values
Chapter 9. Listening
Chapter 10. Transparency
Chapter 11. Nimbleness
Chapter 12. Narrative
Chapter 13. Sustainability
Chapter 14. Solidarity
Part III. The Stories
Chapter 15. Transforming Institutional Structure
Greg Eow
Chapter 16. Transforming Community
Eric Elliott and Benjamin Lowenkron
Chapter 17. Transforming Hiring
Robin Schulze
Chapter 18. Transforming Review
Christopher P. Long, Cara Cilano, Sonja Fritzsche, Bill Hart-Davidson, and Scott Schopieray
Chapter 19. Transforming Leadership: Educopia
Part IV. What's Next
Chapter 20. Onward