Provides excellent material on a broad variety of ethical topics in clinical research. The editors are commended for the wise and diverse selection of articles and the broad range of sources of literature included. A lot of information is made available at a very affordable price.
Many of the chapters easily deserve to be required reading... Most of the readings that have been chosen for the book can lay claim to being classics. They represent sophisticated thinking on various topics.
One word will suffice to describe the bookâoutstanding.
Book Details
Part I. Scandals and Tragedies of Research with Human Participants: Nuremberg, the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, Beecher, and Tuskegee
Part II. Ethical and Regulatory Guidance for Research with
Part I. Scandals and Tragedies of Research with Human Participants: Nuremberg, the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, Beecher, and Tuskegee
Part II. Ethical and Regulatory Guidance for Research with Humans
Part III. The Ethics of Clinical Trial Design
Part IV. The Ethics of Research Participant RecruitmentPart V. Informed Consent in Research
Part VI. Clinical Research with Special Populations
Part VII. Special Topics in Research Ethics
Part VIII. The Behavior of Clinical Investigators: Conflicts of Interest
Part IX. Scientific Misconduct
Part X. Challenges to the Institutional Review Board System