The book is more than a how-to manual but less than a footnote-laden scholarly tome. There is both a necessary and sufficient discussion of the pragmatic aspects of conducting guided autobiography, but there is also... a succinct discussion of the related literature... It should be of interest to all those who plan and conduct programs or other activities for the elderly.
How older adults can explore their fabrics of life in guided autobiographical groups is told with lucidity and richness of detail... After 14 years of experience, the authors have developed a procedure that has obvious great usefulness for activity programmes in a variety of settings.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Strengthening the Fabric of Life
Chapter 2. Leading a Guided Autobiography Group
Chapter 3. The Healing Power of The Group
Chapter 4. The Importance of Guiding Themes
Chapter 5
Chapter 1. Strengthening the Fabric of Life
Chapter 2. Leading a Guided Autobiography Group
Chapter 3. The Healing Power of The Group
Chapter 4. The Importance of Guiding Themes
Chapter 5. Successful Themes and Sensitizing Questions
Chapter 6. Encouraging Creativity and Divergent Thinking
Chapter 7. Mastering Potential Obstacles in the Group Process
Chapter 8. The Next Steps after Guided Autobiography
Chapter 9. A Professional's Guide to the Literature, and Implications for Future Research