A must reading for anyone doing serious study of the Hutterites... An excellent history of the Hutterites... [which] will serve for many years to come as a good benchmark for an analysis of change in the way of life of this extraordinary group.
A fine study of the oldest Western communal society, originally Moravian, who live now on the American and Canadian plains.
An impressive picture of a people who share the general Anabaptist rejection of worldly thrills and pleasures, but who have a special distinction of their own—a strict devotion to communal living that has endured with little change for more than four centuries.
Hutterite Society, an even more impressive work than Hostetler's earlier Amish Society, is surely destined to become a minor classic widely read and acclaimed by scholars and the general public.
Essential to any study of Hutterites.
Book Details
Preface to the Paperback Edition
Part I: Historical Development
Chapter 1. The Birth of Hutterite Society
Chapter 2. The Golden Period in Moravia
Chapter 3. The Decline and Fate of The
Preface to the Paperback Edition
Part I: Historical Development
Chapter 1. The Birth of Hutterite Society
Chapter 2. The Golden Period in Moravia
Chapter 3. The Decline and Fate of The Eastern European Communities
Chapter 4. Life in Russia
Chapter 5. Adaptation to the North American Environment
Part II: Contemporary Social and Cultural Organization
Chapter 6. World View and Language
Chapter 7. Colony Organization
Chapter 8. Subsistence and Economic Patterns
Chapter 9. Schooling and Preparation for Life
Chapter 10. Adult Life Patterns
Part III: The Problems and Techniques of Survival
Chapter 11. The Social Problems of Communal Living
Chapter 12. The Strategy of Hutterite Survival
Selected Bibliography