One cannot but be impressed by the acumen and erudition of Hent de Vries' Religion and Violence, which is a very fine addition to contemporary continental European philosophy of religion... It is a book well worth reading.
Religion and Violence continues de Vries's reexamination of the place of philosophical theology and the philosophy of religion in the major texts of continental philosophy. Both subjects are transformed as de Vries meticulously unpacks the major texts of the post-Kantian philosophical tradition, unfolding in effect a new history of the afterlife of theology.
A rich text with many insightful readings... Hent de Vries is an excellent philosopher and scholar.
Demonstrates with rich erudition how the Derridian programmatic can shed light on the 'religious' dimension of philosophical and ethical strategies that seek to address violence.
One of a number of first-rate monographs published in the field of philosophy this year.
Here Hent de Vries deals with some of the most difficult authors—Kant, Kierkegaard, Benjamin, Levinas, and—throughout—Jacques Derrida, as well as with some of the most difficult issues in philosophy (not to say in political and personal life) there are, and the result is a rich, rewarding, and extremely important book.
Hent de Vries counters the reductions of ethics to morality (and to moralism) by offering a capacious understanding of error as essential to the ethical turn. This book reverberates with intellectual complexity and intensity.
With outstanding skill and remarkable insight, de Vries interrogates a range of texts from Kant to Derrida and challenges us to rethink the received picture of 'the secular Enlightenment.'.
Book Details
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter 1. State, Academy, Censorship: The Question of Religious Tolerance
Chapter 2. Violence and Testimony: Kierkegaardian Meditations
Chapter 3
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter 1. State, Academy, Censorship: The Question of Religious Tolerance
Chapter 2. Violence and Testimony: Kierkegaardian Meditations
Chapter 3. Anti-Babel: The Theologico-Political at Cross Purposes
Chapter 4. Hospitable Thought: Before and beyond Cosmopolitism