This wide-ranging book discusses the history, problem, and future prospects of long-term care in America. Inspired by the 1992 National Health Forum held at the University of Florica and edited by an interdisciplinary team from medicine (Cluff), anthropology (von Mering), and social gerontology (Binstock), it contains chapters by 15 authors who represent the diverse fields of history, ethics, social welfare, nursing, health policy, and health-care administration... Unlike so much literature in gerontology, the book is clear, straightforward, and well focused on practical issues, while maintaining a high standard of scholarship throughout. Both academics and service professionals will find it extremely useful.
This book considers long-term care in the United States in a variety of contexts including accessibility, needs assessment, and affected populations. The authors examine the history and evolution of long-term care through to the present and speculate about the future, asking questions such as what will future nursing home care entail, and what role will economic, political, and cultural factors play?
The Future of Long-Term Care... is the product of the first National Health Forum held at the University of Florida in 1992. The book examines the developments that have brought long-term care to the fore as an area of substantial concern, as well as the factors that will likely make it even more pressing in the future. The book includes chapters written by a distinguished panel of gerontologists and health policy experts.
Provides a broad view of the history of long-term care policies and programmes in the United States, highlights current issues, and assesses future prospects... this is a readable, well-referenced volume which presents a useful overview of LTC issues and policy perspectives.
Book Details
List of Contributors
Part I: Overview and History of the Issues
Chapter 1. Issues Affecting the Future of Long-Term Care
Chapter 2. The Evolution of Long-Term Care in America
Part II: Populations
List of Contributors
Part I: Overview and History of the Issues
Chapter 1. Issues Affecting the Future of Long-Term Care
Chapter 2. The Evolution of Long-Term Care in America
Part II: Populations Needing Care and Issues of Providing Care
Chapter 3. Older People, Dependency, and Trends in Supportive Care
Chapter 4. Trends Among Younger Persons with Disability of Chronic Disease
Chapter 5. The Role of Technology in Long-Term Care
Chapter 6. Challenges in Providing Care for Persons with Complex Chronic Illness
Part III: Exploring the Future of Settings for Care
Chapter 7. The Evolution of the American Nursing Home
Chapter 8. Care in the Home and Other Community Settings: Present and Future
Part IV: Social and Policy Issues
Chapter 9. The Financing and Organization of Long-Term Care
Chapter 10. The Politics of Enacting Long-Term Care Insurance
Chapter 11. Reflections on Some Ethical Issues in Long-Term Care
Chapter 12. American Culture and Long-Term Care
Chapter 13. Foreseeing the Future of Long-Term Care: The Highlights and Implications of a Delphi Study