Olmsted the man belongs to his own time, but his work and words continue to have meaning today... The editors are preserving a life and a work instructive for the future as well as of the past.
Book Details
Editorial Policy
Short Titles Used in Citations
Chapter 1. The First Response to a Public Park
Chapter 2. A Classic Park Plan
Chapter 3. The Concept of the "Park
Editorial Policy
Short Titles Used in Citations
Chapter 1. The First Response to a Public Park
Chapter 2. A Classic Park Plan
Chapter 3. The Concept of the "Park Way"
Chapter 4. The Pyschological Effect of Park Scenery
Chapter 5. The First park System of Olmsted, Vaux & Co.
Chapter 6. Parks and City Planning
Chapter 7. Landscape Themes for a Park in Chicago
Chapter 8. Protection of the Greensward Plan for Central Park
Chapter 9. The Policing of Urban Parks
Chapter 10. Parks in Europe and America
Chapter 11. The Special Characteristics of a Park
Chapter 12. Planning a Park on a Mountain Site
Chapter 13. An Island Park and the Structures Appropriate to It
Chapter 14. Planning Urban Waterways as Public Open Space
Chapter 15. A "Country Park" for a New England Setting
Chapter 16. Preservation of Natural Scenery
Chapter 17. Designing a Second Park for a City's Recreation System
Chapter 18. A Last Attempt to Define the Purpose of Parks
Appendix. List of Textual Alterations
Index of Plant Materials
General Index