Olmsted the man belongs to his own time, but his work and words continue to have meaning today... The editors are preserving a life and work instructive for the future as well as the past.
As always in this series, the letters are carefully annotated.
No other landscape designer ever wrote and published so much, just as none enjoys the prestige of a complete modern edition of his works... The volume maintains the high standards of editing we have come to expect of this series.
Book Details
Editorial Policy
Short Titles Used in Citations
Chapter I: January 1874-August 1874
Chapter II: August 1874-Januaty 1875
Chapter III: February 1875-February 1876
Editorial Policy
Short Titles Used in Citations
Chapter I: January 1874-August 1874
Chapter II: August 1874-Januaty 1875
Chapter III: February 1875-February 1876
Chapter IV: April 1876-December 1876
Chapter V: January 1877-October 1877
Chapter VI: october 1877-July 1878
Chapter VII: January 1879-October 1879
Chapter VIII: December 1879-May 1880
Chapter IX: May 1880-December 1880
Chapter X: February 1881-December 1881
Chapter XI: January 1882-March 1882
Appendix I Chronology of Frederick Law Olmsted, 1874-1882
Appendix II The Spoils of the Park with a Few Leaves From the Deep-Laden Note-Books of "A Wholly Unpractical Man." (1882)
Appendix III Patronage Journal (1873-1877)
Appendix IV List of Textual Alterations
Index of Plant Materials
General Index