The richest, most thought-provoking and professionally reassuring books to come along for some time... These papers are fascinating and professionally enriching because of the range of Marshall's prolific action and deep level of understanding.
The publication of [Marshall's] selected papers...[is] an important, even a necessary, event. All concerned are to be congratulated...[They] have produced what amounts to a documentary biography.
This is...find-hand evidence, not Marshall seen through anyone else's eyes-the different between being told about somebody and living with that person.
Book Details
Guide to Editorial Policies
Chronology, 1939-41
Acting Chief of Staff
The Time Factor
Watchful Waiting
Step by Step
No Royal Road
A Heavy Task
Rich man's Table
A Great Army in the Making
Guide to Editorial Policies
Chronology, 1939-41
Acting Chief of Staff
The Time Factor
Watchful Waiting
Step by Step
No Royal Road
A Heavy Task
Rich man's Table
A Great Army in the Making
A Capacity for Leadership
Peak of Difficulties
Appendix 1. Principal War Department Officials (1939-41) and Organization Chart (1941)
Appendix 2. Published Congressional Testimony of George C. Marshall, 1939-46