This book stands out among recent examinations of ‘religion’ and is a valuable point of reference for related work in the field.
In this important book, Dubuisson offers what could be described as a Feuerbachian critique of religious studies, including comparative, sociological, and especially anthropological accounts of the phenomenon taken to be 'religion.'
A very rich synthesis, this book brings together the various stages of work by a critical and theoretical researcher of anthropology.
Nowadays it is axiomatic to dismiss concepts like 'religion' as mere constructions, and constructions employed for self-serving ends. Daniel Dubuisson's book, newly translated from the French, is not merely one more in this line. His is the richest, broadest dissection to date of at once the origin, the function, and the meaning of the term. Above all, he demonstrates the grip the term has held over scholars, even in their disputes with one another. If, after all the arguments amassed by Dubuisson, the term remains defensible, a 'dream team' defense will be needed. Dubuisson's work is written with a passion and an intensity that seem barely containable.
This is an important and provocative book, written with sharp, surgical prose, lucid argument and high spirit. Daniel Dubuisson's essential theoretical and critical enquiry constitutes a complete critical overview of the 'history of religion' as a concept, and, more ambitiously, a reconstruction of the very heart of our notion of 'religion' itself. Few people in this field have undertaken quite such a program of redefinition, and in my opinion no one involved in the scholarship of the history of religions can afford to ignore this book.
Book Details
Introduction: Religion, the West, and the History of Religions
Part I. The West and Religion
Chapter 1. A Central Concept
Chapter 2. A Paprdoxical Subject
Chapter 3. An Uncertain Anthropological Calling
Introduction: Religion, the West, and the History of Religions
Part I. The West and Religion
Chapter 1. A Central Concept
Chapter 2. A Paprdoxical Subject
Chapter 3. An Uncertain Anthropological Calling
Part II. Order and History
Chapter 4. Christianity and the West
Chapter 5. Continuities
Part III. The Genealogy of a Western Science
Chapter 6. The History of Religions in the Nineteenth Century
Chapter 7. Three Twentieth-Century Debates
Part IV. From Religions to Cosmographic Formations
Chapter 8. The West, Religion, and Science
Chapter 9. Prolegomena