His fascinating and ambitious book provides a fully developed theory of violence as the 'heart and secret soul' of the sacred. Girard's fertile, combative mind links myth to prophetic writing, primitive religions to classical tragedy.
This brilliant study of human evil, first published in France to critical acclaim, demands comparison with Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death and Escape from Evil, as well as with Eli Sagan's Cannibalism: Human Aggression and Cultural Form.... This is a major study in the anthropology of religion, Greek literature, and the human psyche
I regard his book as crucial reading for anyone interested in the dynamics of society and culture. He presents the best case I have seen for the promacy of social order.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Sacrifice
Chapter 2. The Sacrificial Crisis
Chapter 3. Oedipus and the Surrogate Victim
Chapter 4. The Origins of Myth and Ritual
Chapter 5. Dionysus
Chapter 6. From Mimetic
Chapter 1. Sacrifice
Chapter 2. The Sacrificial Crisis
Chapter 3. Oedipus and the Surrogate Victim
Chapter 4. The Origins of Myth and Ritual
Chapter 5. Dionysus
Chapter 6. From Mimetic Desire to the Monstrous Double
Chapter 7. Freud and the Oedipus Comples
Chapter 8. Totem and Taboo and the Incest Prohibition
Chapter 9. Lévi-Strauss, Structuralism, and Marriage Laws
Chapter 10. The Gods, the Dead, the Sacred, and Sacrificial Substitution
Chapter 11. The Unity of All Rites