Though they cover a scholarly terrain that is already well trod, O'Keefe and Reno consistently offer fresh insights and new perspectives.
Will explain to a wide readership the principles of patristic exegesis. It will also waken admiration for the Fathers' unflagging fascination.
A well-written and easily accessible introduction to aspects of patristic exegesis.
An excellent starting point for engaging this rich body of early Christian literature.
Book Details
1. Scriptural Meaning Modern to Ancient
2. Christ Is the End of the Law and the Prophets
3. Intensive Reading
4. Typological Interpretation
5. Allegorical Interpretation
6. The Rule of Faith and the
1. Scriptural Meaning Modern to Ancient
2. Christ Is the End of the Law and the Prophets
3. Intensive Reading
4. Typological Interpretation
5. Allegorical Interpretation
6. The Rule of Faith and the Holy Life