This book should be read by presidential search committees and purchased by vice presidents worried about their president’s success.
Individuals concerned for the welfare of their institution should have an awareness of change in leadership and its consequences for the university. Presidencies Derailed is a good resource for those serving on search committees, aspiring presidents, and others interested in leadership transitions. This book certainly offered an overview of many timely, practical examples of derailed presidents.
A book with relevance far beyond academe.
The authors provide a thoroughly researched account of career fiascos.
Every derailed presidency has its own story. The risk of failure is high.
This is one of the best professional books I have ever read.
In emphasizing the importance of presidential searches, and describing how some fail while others succeed, Presidencies Derailed makes an essential observation that is about neither success nor failure.
Without qualification, this book is and will remain the classic on why university presidents succeed or fail. Not to mention the lessons also apply to all top leadership!
There are few university presidents like Stephen Joel Trachtenberg—at once knowledgeable, creative, commonsensical, likable, and aggressive (indeed, relentless, even outrageous) in the pursuit of institutional uplift and excellence.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Themes of Presidential Derailment
Part I: Presidents Off-Track
Chapter 2. Presidential Derailments at Private Liberal Arts Institutions
Chapter 3. Presidential
Chapter 1. Themes of Presidential Derailment
Part I: Presidents Off-Track
Chapter 2. Presidential Derailments at Private Liberal Arts Institutions
Chapter 3. Presidential Derailments at Public Master's Level Institutions
Chapter 4. Presidential Derailments at Public Research Universities
Chapter 5. Presidential Derailments at Community Colleges
Chapter 6. Firsthand Experiences of Derailed Presidents
Part II: Averting the Train Wreck
Chapter 7. The Upstream Solution: More Thoughtful Academic Searches
Chapter 8. Board Dynamics: A Piece of the Presidential Derailment Puzzle
Chapter 9. Lessons Learned about Presidential Derailments
Appendix: A Year of Presidential Turnover