Clear, concise and a joy to read because it's easy to understand. More importantly, it could save your life.
The book explains the importance of understanding the differences among strokes, and offers advice on treatment, rehabilitation, and lifestyle changes that will help prevent a reoccurrence.
Designed to help readers understand what causes stroke and how it impacts survivors and their families.
Case history experiences blend with tips and discussions and of the latest and possibly forthcoming new treatments, offering families and survivors a positive survey.
Compassionate guide.
An excellent resource for people with stroke, their loved ones, and any one interested in stroke recovery and prevention.
A book about strokes might seem tiresome, but Life After Stroke has a heart and soul of its own... an excellent tool for nurses who work with stroke patients.
Very readable and engaging... a good reference source for nonprofessionals
Unique in its focus.
Clear, concise, and a joy to read because it's easy to understand. More importantly, it could save your life.
An invaluable resource for survivors and their families.
This book may help you navigate the sometimes confusing corridors of medicine to empower you to take control of your health or that of your loved one. Read it and learn, and then discuss it with your physician. Between your involved interest, what you discover here, and your doctor's expertise, your or your loved one's recovery lies in very good hands indeed.
Book Details
List of Tables and Figures
Part I: Understanding Stroke
Chapter 1. Understanding Stroke and Its Consequences
Chapter 2. How Strokes Affect Our Brains and Bodies
Chapter 3. Tests
List of Tables and Figures
Part I: Understanding Stroke
Chapter 1. Understanding Stroke and Its Consequences
Chapter 2. How Strokes Affect Our Brains and Bodies
Chapter 3. Tests Your Doctor May Order
Part II: Stroke Recovery
Chapter 4. Minimizing Early Post-Stroke Disability and Complications
Chapter 5. Maximizing Recovery from a Stroke
Chapter 6. Post-Stroke Medical and Social Issues
Part III: Preventing Stroke: Medical Issues
Chapter 7. Risk Factors for Having a Stroke: An Introduction
Chapter 8. Heart and Blood Vessel Conditions and Stroke
Chapter 9. High Blood Pressure and Stroke
Chapter 10. Diabetes and Stroke
Chapter 11. Other Causes of Stroke
Chapter 12. Genetics and Stroke
Chapter 13. Medications That Help Prevent Stroke
Chapter 14. When Surgery Is an Option
Part IV: Preventing Stroke: Lifestyle Issues
Chapter 15. Diet and Stroke
Chapter 16. Exercise and Stroke
Chapter 17. How Smoking, Alcohol, and Illegal Drugs Affect Stroke Risk
Part V: Looking to the Future
Chapter 18. Research on the Horizon
Chapter 19. Prevent Another Stroke by Taking Charge