The ideas of the sciences flow together smoothly, interwoven with personal reminiscences and observations. Highly recommended.
Provides an excellent introduction to the rapidly changing fields of cosmology, stellar astrophysics, and galactic studies.
A mix of standard astronomy lessons and some wonderful analogies, bring concepts that can be truly mind boggling closer to home... Kidger's explanations often sparkle with interesting 'I didn't know that' factoids... The book is truly a conversation between astronomer and reader, illuminating the 'Big Questions' in astronomy with a down-to-earth approach.
Easily accessible to the nonspecialist.
It is always a pleasure to read a book that is written by someone who has such a passion for the subject... The overall impression is of a book that is worthy of inclusion in any bookcase. On a final note, it has a superbly designed and eye-catching dust jacket!
Book Details
1. How Are Stars Born and How Do They Die?
2. How Do We Know That Black Holes Exist?
3. Who Is the Strangest in the Cosmic Zoo?
4. How Far Is It to the Stars and Will We Ever
1. How Are Stars Born and How Do They Die?
2. How Do We Know That Black Holes Exist?
3. Who Is the Strangest in the Cosmic Zoo?
4. How Far Is It to the Stars and Will We Ever Be Able to Travel to Them?
5. How Old Is the Universe?
6. Is Anybody There?
7. How Will the Universe End?
8. Why Is the Sky Dark at Night?
9. How Do We Know There Was a Big Bang?
10. What Is There Outside the Universe?