Book Details
Series Editor's Foreword
Prologue. What Is a Bee?
1. A Poor Sense of Direction
In a Bee's Head
Everyone on the Dance Floor
A Vector of Misinformation
The Traveling Salesman Problem
Cognitive Map and
Series Editor's Foreword
Prologue. What Is a Bee?
1. A Poor Sense of Direction
In a Bee's Head
Everyone on the Dance Floor
A Vector of Misinformation
The Traveling Salesman Problem
Cognitive Map and Cognitive Load
2. The Fragrance of Déjà Vu
The Scent of Hydrocarbons
The Misunderstood Cockroach
Golf, Cheaters, and Peep Shows
A Miniature Theory of Mind?
3. The Limits of a Miniature Intelligence
On the Shoulders of Turner
Flower Power
Concepts and Arithmetic
Bumblebees Aren't Always in a Good Mood
A Miniature Imagination
Consciousness and the Temptation to Anthropomorphize
4. The Superorganism
Simple and Complex
The Wisdom of the Crowd
It Takes All Kinds
Insects and Robots
This Election Is Rigged!
5. Achilles' Heel
The Harmful Effects of Nicotine
Rock Isn't Dead
The Badger and Preventive Measures
The Second Brain
Five Fruits and Vegetables a Day
Waiting for the Next World
Epilogue. After All, We're All a Bit Like Bees