Book Details
Series Editor's Foreward
Introduction: The Life of Dinosaurs, from Cinema to Science
1. Dinosauria: Preliminary Concepts
1.1. Dinosaurs' Placement on the Vertebrate Family Tree
2. Dinosaur Meninges
2.1. Ig
Series Editor's Foreward
Introduction: The Life of Dinosaurs, from Cinema to Science
1. Dinosauria: Preliminary Concepts
1.1. Dinosaurs' Placement on the Vertebrate Family Tree
2. Dinosaur Meninges
2.1. Iguanodon at the Beach
2.2. And One, and Two, and Three Brains
2.3. Measuring Intelligence
2.4. Encephalization Quotient and Its Variants
2.5. Walnut-Sized
3. In Search of Lost Senses
3.1. The Scent of Hadrosaurs in the Air
3.2. See T. rex and Die
3.3. The Soprano and the Raptor
3.4. The Song of the Dinosaurs
3.5. Ampelosaurus Couldn't Say No
3.6. Tyrannosaur Kisses
3.7. Dinosaur Nociception
3.8. Argentinosaurus's Siesta
4. Mesozoic Sociology
4.1. Antisocial Dinosaurs
4.2. Lifelong Groups
4.3. The Cretaceous Wildebeest
4.4. Youth Gangs
4.5. Recognition Signals
4.6. Hunting
4.7. Absence of Proof and Proof of Absence
4.8. Defense Strategies
4.9. Parasaurolophus's Dietary Supplements
4.10. Tongue-Tied
5. Banter Between Lovers
5.1. Courtship Rituals
5.2. The Age of Consent
5.3. Mating
5.4. The Interior of a Dinosaur's Cloaca
5.5. After Love
5.6. Heyuannia's Blue Eggs
5.7. Good Mothers
5.8. Life in the Egg
5.9. Did T. rex Play? An Outlandish Hypothesis
5.10. Painful Lessons
Final Thoughts
The Dinosaur Family Tree
: The Very First Dinosaur
: Theropods
: Sauropodomorphs
: Thyreophorans
: Ornithopods
: Marginocephalians