The New College President boldly illustrates the proposition that experiences of adversity in the background of presidential candidates will provide strengths well suited to the current turbulent era of higher education. Recognizing that conventional searches often marginalize such potential leaders, the authors propose a transformative approach to that process.
The authors challenge university stakeholders and search firms to consider a new, and more intentional, approach to presidential recruitment—one that recognizes the upside of non-traditional leadership and life experience—in this moment of extreme change across higher education. The volume is a must-read for those who are charged with making decisions about the future of higher education and who should recognize the benefit of a 'forensic' recruitment process.
A fresh, cogent look at why we must seek diversity in presidential candidates. Integrally, this book answers the question, 'Where do we find the diversity of personal qualities, strength of character, grit, insights emanating from lives lived differently, and the commitment and courage to sustain the transformative efforts necessary in this age of disruption in higher education?'
Book Details
Daniel R. Porterfield
1. The Great Resignation Presents a Great Opportunity
2. Jeffrey Bullock: Pastor/President
3. Waded Cruzado: The Power of Imaginative Leadership
4. Mary Dana Hinton
Daniel R. Porterfield
1. The Great Resignation Presents a Great Opportunity
2. Jeffrey Bullock: Pastor/President
3. Waded Cruzado: The Power of Imaginative Leadership
4. Mary Dana Hinton: Leadership as Love in Action
5. Freeman Hrabowski III: Achieving Inclusivity and Excellence
6. Robert Jones: From the Fields Where Character Grows
7. Kwang-Wu Kim: The College for Creatives
8. Mary Marcy: The Intentional Leader
9. Recruiting Exceptional Leaders: A Forensic Approach
Afterword. The Next Generation of Exceptional Leaders