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Info page for book:   Of Many Minds
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Of Many Minds

Neurodiversity and Mental Health Among University Faculty and Staff

edited by Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup Bessette
foreword by Katie Rose Guest Pryal

Publication Date
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An empowering essay collection on fostering a more inclusive, compassionate mental health culture in higher education.

In the competitive and achievement-driven world of higher education, the mental health and neurodiversity of faculty and staff often remain overlooked or misunderstood. While institutions increasingly prioritize student mental health, the challenges faced by educators are frequently ignored, leaving them to navigate a culture that values excellence at almost any cost. In Of Many Minds, editors Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup Bessette give voice to the experiences of...

An empowering essay collection on fostering a more inclusive, compassionate mental health culture in higher education.

In the competitive and achievement-driven world of higher education, the mental health and neurodiversity of faculty and staff often remain overlooked or misunderstood. While institutions increasingly prioritize student mental health, the challenges faced by educators are frequently ignored, leaving them to navigate a culture that values excellence at almost any cost. In Of Many Minds, editors Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup Bessette give voice to the experiences of faculty and staff dealing with anxiety, depression, and neurodivergence amid a culture of stigma and exclusion.

This essay collection provides a platform for faculty and staff to share their stories and critically examine the culture of mental health in US higher education. Contributions normalize conversations about mental health and neurodiversity while offering insights to transform the academy into a more inclusive, supportive space. The essays combine personal accounts with actionable critiques, addressing topics like workplace stigma, ableism, and systemic barriers to seeking treatment. With contributions from a diverse group of educators and advocates, Of Many Minds challenges the status quo and fosters empathy for those living with neurodiversity in academia.

At a time when burnout and faculty attrition rates are soaring, this book urgently calls for higher education to reimagine its values and prioritize the care of faculty and staff. Of Many Minds empowers educators to advocate for themselves and others while breaking down the stigma that has silenced too many for too long.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Foreword, by Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Introduction, by Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup Bessette
Coping and Masking
1. For Those Who Do Not Love the Archives, by Catherine J. Denial
2. To Be Seen as a

Foreword, by Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Introduction, by Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup Bessette
Coping and Masking
1. For Those Who Do Not Love the Archives, by Catherine J. Denial
2. To Be Seen as a Whole Person: Masking and Unmasking in Higher Education, by David Dault
3. Barely Passing, by Emily Van Walleghen
4. Ripping the Mask Off: The Body Knows What the Mind Denies, by Jim Luke
Higher Ed Structures
5. There Is No "One Path" in Academia, by Jorden Cummings
6. But Why? The Social Consequences of Boundaries as an AuDHD Person, by Shannan Palma
7. "It's all too much.": Finding a Place with Autism, by Robert Perret
8. Both Can Be True: Risk and Protective Factors for Bipolar Prognosis in Academia, by Darcy Gordon
9. Am I the Problem? Anxiety, Ambition, and Belonging in Higher Ed, by Rebecca Pope-Ruark
10. No One Brought a Casserole, by Melissa Nicolas
11. Alone at the Table: Neurodivergence and Fractured Networks, by Ronnie K. Stephens
12. Don't Ask Me How I'm Doing, by Lee Skallerup Bessette
13. My Autistic Transformation: A Journey Towards Acceptance and Advocacy, by Dixie L. Burns
14. Born Under a Bad Sign: An African American Experience in Higher Education, by Kyle Younger
Bonus Chapter
15. "It's OK to be Human" and Other Lessons Learned Under My Desk, by Katrina Swinehart Held
16. Coda: Professionalism as Ableism, by Lee Skallerup Bessette

Author Bios
Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Featured Contributor

Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD

Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD, is the director of the Office of Faculty Professional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is the author of Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal and the coeditor of Redesigning Liberal Education: Innovative Design for a Twenty-First-Century Undergraduate Education.
Featured Contributor

Lee Skallerup Bessette

Lee Skallerup Bessette is the Assistant Director of Digital Learning at the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University. She is the editor of Affective Labor and Alt-Ac Careers.
Featured Contributor

Katie Rose Guest Pryal, JD, PhD

Katie Rose Guest Pryal is a bipolar-autistic speaker and the author of A Light in the Tower: A New Reckoning with Mental Health in Higher Education, Life of the Mind Interrupted: Essays on Mental Health and Disability in Higher Education, and Even If You're Broken: Bodies, Boundaries, and Mental Health.