Joshua Eyler turns the seemingly radical idea that we should abolish grades into a practical, principled, commonsense agenda for the future of education and, more importantly, for the best future for our students. Highly recommended to anyone who cares about students today.
We have known that grades are a poor indicator of learning, let alone mastery, for a very long time, and I'm thrilled that Joshua Eyler has written this book to explain why. It will be an essential fixture on my list of books about best practices for education.
The perilous ascent of achievement culture in our schools has reached a tipping point, and its origin, as Joshua Eyler illustrates in this extensively researched and narratively engaging work, is our fixation with grades, which has come to overwhelm the deep learning our children deserve. Failing Our Future is such an important book for our time—an indispensable read for every educator and every parent.
Book Details
Preface: Scarlet Letters
Introduction: What Is a Grade? And Other Important Questions
Part I: The Many Problems with Grades
1. The Race Nobody Can Win: Grades as Obstacles to Motivation
Preface: Scarlet Letters
Introduction: What Is a Grade? And Other Important Questions
Part I: The Many Problems with Grades
1. The Race Nobody Can Win: Grades as Obstacles to Motivation and Learning
2. Helicopters, Lawnmowers, and Stealth Fighters: Parents and the Pressure to Get Good Grades
3. The Weight of Their World: Grades and the Mental Health Crisis in America
4. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: How Grades Reflect and Extend Inequities
Part II: How We Can Help
5. Building Up and Bouncing Back: What Parents Can Do at Home
6. Reinventing Education: How Teachers Are Exploring New Approaches to Grades and Grading in the Classroom
7. Climbing Mountains: Changing Our Schools, Colleges, and Universities
Epilogue: A Future without Letters?