A much-needed and easy-to-read resource for individuals who have experienced a sudden hearing loss, as well as for their friends and family. Personal stories help readers feel less alone, while tips and practical advice provide a 'where do I start' checklist to help people move forward.
Hearing loss isn't just something shown on an audiogram or measured in decibels. But, rather, looming above all is the emotional impact it has on lives. The authors give complete information on all aspects of hearing loss punctuated with compelling, personal stories. There is also a clear message throughout: run, don't walk, to get medical care for a sudden hearing loss.
A masterful balancing of succinct personal narratives with incisively researched practical insights, not just to give patients a firm pathway past fight or flight, but also to rouse clinicians who downplay the urgency and trauma of Sudden Hearing Loss. A triumph of considerate inquiry!
This book provides a valuable resource for any patient with sudden sensorineural hearing loss by combining patient experiences with an accessible explanation of the condition, its effects, and management.
Book Details
1. Out of the Blue: Stories of Sudden Hearing Loss
2. What Is Happening? Background and Medical Appointments
3. Please Fix This! Early Treatment Protocols
4. Ears in Overdrive
1. Out of the Blue: Stories of Sudden Hearing Loss
2. What Is Happening? Background and Medical Appointments
3. Please Fix This! Early Treatment Protocols
4. Ears in Overdrive: Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
5. Stop Rocking the Boat! Balance Disorders
6. Is This My New Normal? Living with Newly Acquired Hearing Loss
7. Why Do I Feel This Way? Emotional Impacts of Sudden Hearing Loss
8. Embracing Technology: Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
9. Hope for the Future: Silver Linings and Advice
Appendix. Support Resources