Neurosurgeon Gokaslan and orthopedist Riley... frequently reassure readers that back pain is usually self-limited, without major treatments or surgery, and they offer recommendations for finding authoritative information, including web sites from national spine organizations. Diagnostic and imaging tests are described, as are pain relief and nonsurgical treatments; physical therapy is strongly promoted both as treatment and as prevention. Gokaslan and Riley give a general overview of back surgeries, placing particular emphasis on matching patient and physician expectations of realistic outcomes. A large amount of information is packed into this slim volume. Although the reading level is high, it should be a popular addition to consumer health collections.
A complete and comprehensive guide to the back, it provides an excellently researched manual... A must for any who are facing back pain and are evaluating their options fully.
The authors do a good job of describing the full range of treatments from physical therapy to surgery. Also included are a useful index and an interesting section describing how to choose an appropriate and helpful Web site. Another section on how to talk to a physician should be helpful for anyone who has encountered difficulties.
Book Details
Introduction: As Common as the Common Cold and Twenty Times More Painful
Part I: What's Causing Your Symptoms?
1. Twenty-Four Vertebrae and Twenty-Three Discs
2. Who Gets Back Pain, and What Causes It?
Introduction: As Common as the Common Cold and Twenty Times More Painful
Part I: What's Causing Your Symptoms?
1. Twenty-Four Vertebrae and Twenty-Three Discs
2. Who Gets Back Pain, and What Causes It?
3. Things That Go Wrong in the Back
4. Spinal Tumors and Metastatic Cancer
Part II: Getting a Diagnosis and Seeking Treatment
5. What's Wrong with Me, and What Should I Do about It?
6. Pain Relief and Nonsurgical Treatment
7. Physical Therapy for Pain, Strength, and Function
8. Making the Decision about Surgery
9. Back Surgery and Recovery