Well produced, based on archival and participant-observer research, with a useful bibliography.
Train Up a Child makes a valuable contribution in illustrating how Old Order education, in myriad ways, reflects and conserves the values and commitments of Old Order communities. It makes an equally valuable contribution in what it implicitly says about the current state of secular education.
Book Details
1. Private Schools and Old Order Life
2. Old Order Schools and Old Order Identities
3. The Swartzentruber Schools
4. Small Schools in Small Settlements
5. Mainstream Amish Schools
6. Progressive
1. Private Schools and Old Order Life
2. Old Order Schools and Old Order Identities
3. The Swartzentruber Schools
4. Small Schools in Small Settlements
5. Mainstream Amish Schools
6. Progressive Amish Schools
7. Old Order Mennonite Schools in Lancaster County
8. Publish or Perish
9. What's Education For?
A. Informants
B. Schools and Locations
C. Hectograph Recipe
D. Representative School Schedules