The book is a good read.
Cohen's short, readable book is a study in the history of ideas, and can be welcomed as pointing the way to important new directions in the history of mathematics.
An extremely helpful book for anyone interested in the relationship between mathematics and religious belief.
An excellent pick for college-level collections strong in science or spirituality.
One can only welcome Equations from God.
A great book, full of lovely stories. It is an important contribution.
The main strength of the book comes from Cohen's archival research.
Well-researched and engaging... breaks through the traditional mold for writing history of mathematics.
Cohen has offered food for thought for historians of Victorian science in general and of mathematics in particular.
Equations from God is well researched and stylishly written... a most welcome addition to the growing literature.
Cohen has successfully situated the work of Peirce, Boole and De Morgan in social and religious context, making this book a valuable contribution to the literature on the mathematics of the English-speaking world in the nineteenth century.
Welcome and informative book.
Book Details
Introduction: The Allure of Pure Mathematics in the Victorian Age
1. Heavenly Symbols: Sources of Victorian Mathematical Idealism
2. God and Math at Harvard: Benjamin Peirce and the
Introduction: The Allure of Pure Mathematics in the Victorian Age
1. Heavenly Symbols: Sources of Victorian Mathematical Idealism
2. God and Math at Harvard: Benjamin Peirce and the Divinityof Mathematics
3. George Boole and the Genesis of Symbolic Logic
4. Augustus De Morgan and the Logic of Relations
5. Early Calculations: Mathematics and Professionalismin the Late Nineteenth Century