Valuable resource.
A practical guide to help individuals make end-of-life decisions and communicate them to healthcare providers, family members, and other loved ones.
This practical guide helps people navigate the important but often intimidating process of thinking about, and planning for, an uncertain future.
Doukas and Reichel achieve two things rarely seen in books geared toward the general public. First, they are uncommonly forthright... The second noteworthy achievement of Planning for Uncertainty is its compatibility with the family physician's worldview.
Planning for Uncertainty contacts much helpful information about advance directives and advance care planning.
A helpful book for planning ahead... The authors are two U.S. family physicians who have done an admirable job of putting together some cogent advice for persons planning their health care direction and for the health professionals who might be advising them. Very clear descriptions are presented for the nonprofessional... Hospice care is nicely outlined.
As the Terri Schiavo case illustrated, we all need to put our wishes about end-of-life care in writing. Dr. Doukas and Dr. Reichel explain options, describe what doctors can and cannot do, and make an emotionally trying topic manageable. Theirs is the must-have guide to advance directives and living wills.
Book Details
Introduction: What Every Person Needs to Know
1. What the Patient Self-Determination Act Means to You
2. When Is Treatment Beneficial and When Is It Not Beneficial?
3. How Ethical
Introduction: What Every Person Needs to Know
1. What the Patient Self-Determination Act Means to You
2. When Is Treatment Beneficial and When Is It Not Beneficial?
3. How Ethical Principles Affect Health Care Decisions
4. The Value of Values
5. How Advance Directives Work
6. The Values History: Defining Your Health Care Values
7. You, Your Family, and Health Care Decisions: Choosing a Proxy
8. Signing Advance Directives
Links to Advance Directive Forms by State
Other Useful Links
My Advance Directives for Future Medical Treatment
The Values History
Advance Directive in Brief Card