We are deeply grateful to Peggy for the care of our two daughters. Always a source of practical advice for health and behavior problems, Peggy is a godsend!
The best advice we can give any new mother is 'Listen to Peggy.' In eleven years (and counting) of leaving our children in her care, she has never steered us wrong. When our sons are with Peggy, they take their naps, eat vegetables, pick up their toys, and are smiling at the end of the day.
Peggy's down-to-earth wisdom helped us raise our children. Love and Limits brings a no-nonsense, loving grandmother and a sensitive pediatrician right into your own home!
While Peggy was caring for my children, she was also caring for me, teaching me about my own children, and providing support like an aunt or mother. It's wonderful that other parents can now have the benefit of Peggy's advice and support by reading this charming book!
Book Details
Preface: About Us, and About This Book
1. A New Baby! Becoming a Parent Today
2. Love Limits: Raising Happy, Secure Children
3. The Nuts and Bolts of Child Care: Hours, Logistics, and
Preface: About Us, and About This Book
1. A New Baby! Becoming a Parent Today
2. Love Limits: Raising Happy, Secure Children
3. The Nuts and Bolts of Child Care: Hours, Logistics, and Communicating with Your Caregiver
4. Is There Something Different about My Baby? When You're Worried There's a Problem
5. What Makes a Family? Finding Your Own Way
6. If You've Chosen Your Child: Growing Your Family through Adoption
7. What's to Eat? Raising a Healthy Eater
8. Don't Eat the Peanut Butter: Dealing with Children's Allergies
9. Time for Bed: Just a Sprinkling of Fairy Dust
10. The Crying Baby: What Does She Need, and When to Worry?
11. I Have to Use the Potty: The Ins and Outs of Toilet Training
12. He's Just Shy: Your Child's Temperament
13. No Hitting! The Aggressive Child
14. Quit Picking on Your Sister! Raising Siblings in Imperfect Harmony
15. Say Please! Good Manners in Young Children
16. I Want a Puppy! Pets and Children
17. Come Fly with Me! Traveling with Children
18. Disasters: When Scary Things Happen in the World
19. Fun and Games: Encouraging Imaginative Play
20. Read Me a Story: Fostering a Love of Reading
21. To Grandmother's House We Go: Grandparents and Children
22. Let's Go to the Park! Keeping Children Active
23. Our Busy Lives: Scheduling and Overscheduling Children
24. Transitions: Helping Young Children Cope with Change
Afterword: Just One More Thing
Web-based and Other Resources for Parents