Of obvious value for those active in rural health care. It may be even more useful, however, for nonrural practitioners, ethicists, and members of ethics committees. Reading the essays in this volume is like acquiring a new set of glasses. It made me better able to perceive differences in how ethics can be considered based on culture, population, geographic challenges, and personal connections... An even bigger service may be the tools it provides to look differently at problems commonly thought to be understood.
An excellent scholarly examination of what rural people face in the world of health care.
A welcome addition to this oft-neglected area of ethics. The collection is broad-ranging and well-designed.
The common thread among the essays is a bioethical perspective. Their common goal is to raise awareness among rural practitioners and other interested parties about the particular challenges that the rural environment presents.
This volume elucidates a wide range of ethical issues and the authors provide helpful strategies for practice and policy.
Book Details
List of Contributors
Part I: Overview of Rurality and General Ethical Issues
Chapter 1. Rural-Urban Differences in End-of-Life Care: Reflections on Social Contracts
Chapter 2. The
List of Contributors
Part I: Overview of Rurality and General Ethical Issues
Chapter 1. Rural-Urban Differences in End-of-Life Care: Reflections on Social Contracts
Chapter 2. The Challenges of Rural Health Care
Chapter 3. Ethics, Errors, and Where We Go from Here
Chapter 4. The Ethics of Allocating Resources toward Rural Health and Health Care
Part II: Practitioners' Voices
Chapter 5. Reflections on Fifty Years in Rural Health Care
Chapter 6. Serving the Underserved: Personal, Social, and Medical Challenges
Chapter 7. Ethical and Sociocultural Issues in Rural Mental Health Care
Part III: Specific Ethical Issues and Solutions
Chapter 8. Ethical Dimensions of the Quality of Rural Health Care
Chapter 9. Building Bioethics Networks in Rural States: Blessings and Barriers
Chapter 10. Structural Violence in the Rural Context: The Ethical implications of Welfare Reform for Rural Health
Chapter 11. Rural Geristric Bioethics: A Texas Perspective
Chapter 12. Supporting the Rural Physician: Processes and Programs