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Psychiatric Consultation in Long-Term Care

A Guide for Health Care Professionals

Abhilash K. Desai, M.D., FAPA, and George T. Grossberg, M.D.

Publication Date

Studies show that residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities are at a substantial risk of having psychiatric disorders. This practical volume provides much-needed clinical guidance for the prevention and appropriate treatment of mental illness in long-term care settings.

Abhilash K. Desai and George T. Grossberg offer a basic framework for a humanistic, team-based approach to meeting the needs of elder persons with mental disorders in long-term care facilities. Early chapters cover the demographics of residents, the epidemiology of their psychiatric symptoms, and the assessment...

Studies show that residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities are at a substantial risk of having psychiatric disorders. This practical volume provides much-needed clinical guidance for the prevention and appropriate treatment of mental illness in long-term care settings.

Abhilash K. Desai and George T. Grossberg offer a basic framework for a humanistic, team-based approach to meeting the needs of elder persons with mental disorders in long-term care facilities. Early chapters cover the demographics of residents, the epidemiology of their psychiatric symptoms, and the assessment process. Subsequent chapters focus on major disorders, including dementia, delirium, depression, psychosis, and anxiety. The authors discuss end-of-life issues and treatments and offer suggestions for improving care. Throughout, they highlight the importance of the relationship between staff and residents.

Emphasizing creative engagement and hands-on care and featuring clinical vignettes and practical tips, this optimistic volume reinforces the potential for nursing homes and assisted living facilities to be communities where residents thrive.



This book is useful for professionals but it is also a wonderful guide for families searching for a good place for Grandma and wondering what they can do to keep her content there.

This is an excellent, highly readable book covering the myriad of psychiatric disorders seen in nursing home residents. Although dementia and depression are the most common, delirium, anxiety, psychotic disorders, aggressive behavior, and screaming are also extremely common. This book addresses each of these and provides a clear approach to diagnosis and treatment.

A comprehensive and excellent account of how best to assess and deal with mental health issues in long-term care facilities. The authors provide authoritative recommendations and teaching points based on extensive experience. Their compassion and determined advocacy for residents and caregivers are striking and exemplary.

As a geropsychiatric nurse, I particularly appreciated the balanced perspective on the value of both medication and nonpharmacologic interventions, the application of information through case studies, and the attention to social and spiritual aspects of mental health issues in later life. This book should be on the shelf of every nursing home and assisted living facility in this country.


Book Details

Publication Date
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Epidemiology
2. The Assessment Process
3. Dementia
4. Delirium
5. Mood Disorders
6. Psychotic Disorders
7. Anxiety Disorders and Sleep Disorders
8. Personality Disorders

1. Introduction and Epidemiology
2. The Assessment Process
3. Dementia
4. Delirium
5. Mood Disorders
6. Psychotic Disorders
7. Anxiety Disorders and Sleep Disorders
8. Personality Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, and Other Psychiatric Disorders
9. Psychiatric Aspects of Nutritional Disorders, Frailty,and Failure to Thrive
10. Abuse and Neglect, Ethical Dilemmas, and Medicolegal Issues
11. Palliative and End-of-Life Care
12. Pharmacological Interventions
13. Psychosocial and Environmental Interventions
14. An Ideal Long-Term Care Home

Author Bios
Featured Contributor

Abhilash K. Desai, M.D., FAPA

Abhilash K. Desai, M.D., FAPA, is an associate professor of geriatric psychiatry and the director of the Center for Healthy Brain Aging at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
George T. Grossberg, M.D.
Featured Contributor

George T. Grossberg, M.D.

George T. Grossberg, M.D., is the Samuel W. Fordyce Professor and director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. His recent books include Alzheimer's: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies and Comprehensive Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, third edition.

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