With Kaimowitz's Odes, we can learn to love and comprehend Horace's verse as we see his monument up close in a new light.
A translation for the present age, the volume includes footnotes and a brief discussion of how Kaimowitz selected phrases, syllable counts, line length, and references to create brilliant 'reminiscences.'
Kaimowitz claims that 'translators of poetry should at least provide something approaching poetry,' and these lines [the opening of Ode II.9] and many other passages show his skill in doing just that.
Kaimowitz captures the speed and cadence of Horace's often quite long phrases and sentences, keeping their elegance and grandeur—no easy task. This volume provides an excellent way for non–Latin reading scholars, students, and general readers to experience successfully Horace as a lyric poet.
Book Details
Translator's Note
Introduction, by Ronnie Ancona
The Odes of Horace
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV