This text is well-crafted and is a challenging, thoughtful, and provocative treatise on the topic... This book offers a welcome, fresh insight to the consequences of democratic transitions in a variety of regions.
Starting from the phenomenon of growing inequality in much of the world, the book looks at the difference between poverty and inequality and the political effects of each of these on democracy, including the rise of authoritarian populism... Recommended for students of developing nations in general and Latin America in particular.
Book Details
Part I: What Are the Issues?
Chapter 1. Dealing with Inequality
Chapter 2. Does Electoral Democracy Boost Economic Equality?
Chapter 3. Why Democracies Fail
Chapter 4. Latin
Part I: What Are the Issues?
Chapter 1. Dealing with Inequality
Chapter 2. Does Electoral Democracy Boost Economic Equality?
Chapter 3. Why Democracies Fail
Chapter 4. Latin America: Democracy with Development
Part II: Latin America and Eastern Europe
Chapter 5. The Latin American Experience
Chapter 6. Aiding Latin America's Poor
Chapter 7. Postcommunist Welfare States
Chapter 8. East-Central Europe's Quandary
Chapter 9. How Regions Differ
Part III: Africa and Asia
Chapter 10. Growth Without Prosperity in Africa
Chapter 11. South African Disparities
Chapter 12. Growth and Hunger in India
Chapter 13. "Mixed Governance" and Welfare in South Korea