Those who want to better understand common health conditions and determine whether they're getting the recommended preventive care for their age may find [Stay Healthy at Every Age] a helpful, trustworthy resource.
In a time when people are barraged with medicine advertisements and conflicting opinions from numerous experts, this is a helpful, clearly written book.
The straightforward writing style makes this book an excellent choice for beginning students and general readers. USPSTF guidelines are freely available, but the clear explanations of the benefits and risks of each type of service and the simple question-and-answer format make this book valuable.
General health collections will find this accessible and important!
An ambitious compilation of the USPSTF guidelines and the CDC vaccination recommendations, translated into clear, understandable prose for the lay reader.
Book Details
Introduction: About This Book
Why This Book Matters
How to Use This Book
The Source of the Recommendations
What This Book Is Not
Part I: Introduction to
Introduction: About This Book
Why This Book Matters
How to Use This Book
The Source of the Recommendations
What This Book Is Not
Part I: Introduction to Preventive Services
Defining Preventive Services
Shifting from "Sick Care" to "Health Care"
Barriers to Preventive Health
Terms and Concepts
Special Section on Cardiovascular Disease
Special Section on Cancer
The Rationale behind These Recommendations
The Benefits and Harms of Preventive Health
Planning for Prevention
Part II: Healthy Checks Guidelines
How to Read the Checklists
Healthy Checks: Early Childhood
Healthy Checks: Adolescence to Age 19
Healthy Checks: Ages 20 to 29
Healthy Checks: Ages 30 to 39
Healthy Checks: Ages 40 to 49
Healthy Checks: Ages 50 to 64
Healthy Checks: Age 65 or Older
Healthy Checks: Pregnancy
Part III: Preventive Services Explained
1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
2. Alcohol Misuse Counseling
3. Aspirin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
4. Blood Pressure Screening
5. Breast Cancer Preventive Services
6. Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV
7. Chlamydia Screening
8. Cholesterol Screening
9. Colon Cancer Screening
10. Depression Screening
11. Diabetes Screening
12. Early Childhood Preventive Health
13. Gonorrhea Screening
14. Healthy Eating Counseling
15. Hepatitis B Vaccination and Screening
16. HIV Screening
17. Obesity Screening and Counseling
18. Osteoporosis Screening
19. Pregnancy Preventive Health
20. Sexually Transmitted Infection Counseling
21. Syphilis Screening
22. Tobacco Use Counseling
23. Vaccines for Adults
Appendix: Immunization Schedules and Vaccine Information Sheets from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention