Very highly recommended.
The five sections in The American Academic Profession provide a wide range of insights about changes in the faculty role at research universities.
Book Details
Introduction. The Professoriate's Perilous Path
Part I: Structural and Cognitive Change
Chapter 1. Optimizing Research and Teaching: The Bifurcation of Faculty Roles at Research Universities
Introduction. The Professoriate's Perilous Path
Part I: Structural and Cognitive Change
Chapter 1. Optimizing Research and Teaching: The Bifurcation of Faculty Roles at Research Universities
Chapter 2. Focus on the Classroom: Movements to Reform College Teaching and Learning, 1980– 2008
Chapter 3. Whose Educational Space? Negotiating Professional Jurisdiction in the High-Tech Academy
Chapter 4. American Academe and the Knowledge-Politics Problem
Part II: Socialization and Deviance
Chapter 5. The Socialization of Future Faculty in a Changing Context: Traditions, Challenges, and Possibilities
Chapter 6. Professionalism in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring
Part III: Experience of the Academic Career
Chapter 7. Scholarly Learning and the Academic Profession in a Time of Change
Chapter 8. Anomie in the American Academic Profession
Part IV: Autonomy and Regulation
Chapter 9. Academic Freedom, Professional Autonomy, and the State
Chapter 10. Codes of Commerce: The Uses of Business Rhetoric in the American Academy, 1960– 2000
Chapter 11. The Meaning of Regulation in a Changing Academic Profession
Part V: Contemporary and Historical Views
Chapter 12. Professional Control in the Complex University: Maintaining the Faculty Role
Chapter 13. All That Glittered Was Not Gold: Rethinking American Higher Education's Golden Age, 1945– 1970