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Christianity & Literature


Darren J. N. Middleton, Baylor University

73 (2024)
Christianity & Literature is a scholarly journal devoted to the exploration of how literature engages Christian thought, experience, and practice. The journal presupposes no particular theological orientation but respects an orthodox understanding of Christianity as a historically defined religious faith. Contributions appropriate for submission should demonstrate a keen awareness of the author's own critical assumptions in addressing significant issues of literary history, interpretation, and theory. Christianity & Literature is the official publication of the Conference on Christianity &...
Christianity & Literature is a scholarly journal devoted to the exploration of how literature engages Christian thought, experience, and practice. The journal presupposes no particular theological orientation but respects an orthodox understanding of Christianity as a historically defined religious faith. Contributions appropriate for submission should demonstrate a keen awareness of the author's own critical assumptions in addressing significant issues of literary history, interpretation, and theory. Christianity & Literature is the official publication of the Conference on Christianity & Literature (CCL).
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Journal Details

73 (2024)
Official Journal of the
Print: 0148-3331
Online: 2056-5666

Articles must be submitted electronically to ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online peer-review system used by Christianity & Literature. Please submit your manuscript here:

All submissions must be formatted for blind peer review and should include:
• a title page with the author’s name, email, and mailing address.
• a 100-word abstract and a list of suggested keywords to accompany the essay: 3-5 is appropriate.
• a short biographical note with information about your position, research, and publications.
• the essay, with title on first page, and page numbers on all following pages. There should be no author identification in the body of the essay.

  1. All articles submitted for publication should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Notes and Bibliography Style, but please do not include a Bibliography or Works Cited listincorporate all of your references into your notes. You may do this in your final version, not the version for review. 
  2. Articles of fewer than 4,000 or more than 9,000 words, including notes are not ordinarily considered, unless they are commissioned for a special issue or of exceptional merit. Submissions should comply with accepted guidelines for nonsexist usage.

For information about the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Notes and Bibliography Style, go to their webpage:

A Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide is also available here:

General inquiries can be made to or to the following mailing address:

Darren J. N. Middleton, Editor
Christianity & Literature
Director, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
Professor of Literature and Theology
Draper Academic Building 246.25
One Bear Place #97350
Waco, TX 76798-7350

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

Christianity & Literature is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December, each issue contains articles, book reviews, and poems. Each submission is carefully evaluated by the editors. If the submission is deemed worthy of peer review, it is then sent to external reviewers in an anonymous, double-blind peer-review process. External reviewers are selected on the basis of their expertise in the fields or subject areas of each submission. The editors consider a submission only with the understanding that it has not been concurrently submitted elsewhere. Christianity & Literature is committed to a reasonable timeline for peer review. We expect to reach a decision on each submission within three to four months. In the case of unavoidable delays, the editors will attempt to communicate with authors.


Darren J. N. Middleton, Baylor University

Associate Editor 

Caleb D. Spencer, Azusa Pacific University

Poetry Editor

Peter Cooley, Tulane University

Book Review Editor

Sarah Berry, University of Dallas

Editorial Board

Ann W. Astell, University of Notre Dame
Lori Branch, University of Iowa
Paul Contino, Pepperdine University
John D. Cox, Hope College
Christopher Douglas, University of Victoria
Lori Ann Ferrell, Claremont Graduate University
Kevin Hart, University of Virginia
David D. Hall, Harvard Divinity School
Peter S. Hawkins, Yale University
Colin Jager, Rutgers University
David Lyle Jeffery, Baylor University
Janet Larson, Rutgers University, Newark
Julia Reinhart Lupton, University of California, Irvine
Susannah Monta, University of Notre Dame
Maire Mullins, Pepperdine University

The editors assign book reviews by invitation. If you would like to suggest a book for review or offer to write a book review, please write to Sarah Berry at If you are an author or publisher, please send books for review to:

Sarah Berry, Book Review Editor

Once accepted, you will be asked to submit your book review to ScholarOne Manuscripts here:

Poetry submissions are accepted in hard copy only. Please send all poetry submissions to:
Peter Cooley, Poetry Editor

Christianity & Literature
Tulane University
Department of English, Norman Mayer 122
New Orleans, LA 70118

The poetry editor looks for poems that are clear and surprising. They should have a compelling sense of voice, formal sophistication (though not necessarily rhyme and meter), and the ability to reveal the spiritual through concrete images.

Once accepted, you will be asked to submit your poem or poems to ScholarOne Manuscripts here:

Please be sure to include all relevant contact information along with a poem or poems: name, address, and especially your email.

Poetry submissions will not be acknowledged or returned unless they are accompanied by a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) with sufficient return postage.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • De Gruyter Saur
    • Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
    • IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
    • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
  • EBSCOhost
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 1/1/2003-
    • Academic Search Complete, 1/1/2003-
    • Academic Search Elite, 1/1/2003-
    • Academic Search Premier, 1/1/2003-
    • Academic Search: Main Edition, 6/1/1995-
    • Advanced Placement Source, 1/1/2003-
    • American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (Online), 1989-, dropped
    • ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 1973-2017
    • Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), vol.45, 1996-vol.59, no.1, 2009
    • Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Jun.1995-
    • Christian Periodical Index, 1976-
    • Current Abstracts, 1/1/2003-
    • Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    • Humanities Index (Online), 1995/06-
    • Humanities International Complete, 6/1/1995-
    • Humanities International Index, 6/1/1995-
    • Humanities Source, 4/15/1995-
    • Humanities Source Ultimate, 4/15/1995-
    • Literary Reference Center, 7/1/2003-
    • Literary Reference Center Plus, 7/1/2003-
    • Literary Reference Center: Main Edition, 6/1/1995-
    • MainFile, 6/1/1995-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    • OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    • Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, 6/1/1995-
    • Religion & Philosophy Collection, 1/1/2003-
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 6/1/1995-
  • Gale
    • Book Review Index Plus
    • Gale Academic OneFile
    • Gale Academic OneFile Select, 01/1996-03/2014, dropped
    • Gale General OneFile, 09/1994-03/2014, dropped
    • Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy, 09/1994 - 03/2014, dropped
    • InfoTrac Custom, 1/1996-3/2014
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.44, no.2, 1995-vol.61, no.1, 2011
    • Humanities Index (Online), 1995/06-
  • ProQuest
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • ProQuest 5000, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • ProQuest 5000 International, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • ProQuest Central, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • Religion Database, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • Research Library, 10/01/2004-01/01/2005
    • The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)
  • Religious & Theological Abstracts, Inc.
    • Religious & Theological Abstracts, 1989-

Abstracting & Indexing Sources

  • Abstracts of English Studies   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Children's Literature Abstracts   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Literary Criticism Register   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • MLA Abstracts of Articles in Scholarly Journals   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Religion Index One: Periodicals   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works   (Ceased)  (Print)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

Published Quarterly

Print circulation: 282

Print Advertising Rates 

Full Page: (5.5 x 8") – $375.00

Half Page: (5.5 x 4") – $281.00

2 Page Spread – $563.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

March Issue –Issue 1 –January 15

June Issue –Issue 2 –April 15

September Issue –Issue 3 –July 15

December Issue –Issue 4 –October 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $281.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising page.  

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