Client Societies
The Hopkins Press Journals Division manages membership, subscriptions, marketing, and customer service for many of the scholarly associations that publish Hopkins Press journals.

Founded in 1925 to encouraging research, study, writing, and interest in the history of medicine, including the history of public health, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and allied arts, sciences, and professions.

Established in 1969 to advance study and research in all aspects of the period ranging from the later 17th century to the early 19th century.

Interrogating American culture and society since 1951, encompassing interdisciplinary and global studies of the humanities and social sciences, communications and media studies, science and technology, and the arts and politics.

Advancing the highest professional standards in research, teaching, and service in Asian-American Studies since 1979.

Promoting cross-disciplinary research, educational initiatives, and graduate training programs in philosophy and psychiatry since 1989.

An international, nonprofit association dedicated to discovering and articulating the aesthetic, cultural, ethical, and political identities of the contemporary arts.

The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers (ALSCW) seeks to promote excellence in literary criticism and scholarship, and works to ensure that literature thrives in both scholarly and creative environments. We encourage the reading and writing of literature, criticism, and scholarship, as well as wide-ranging discussions among those committed to the reading and study of literary works.

C19 is the first academic organization dedicated to nineteenth-century American literary and cultural studies.

Founded in 1907 to strengthen teaching and research and foster public support for the languages, civilizations, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome in the mid-Atlantic region.

Since 1938, a vibrant, growing professional organization of scholar-teachers who regard teaching undergraduate and graduate college students as the proper focus of the profession.

An interdisciplinary society dedicated to exploring the relationships between Christianity and literature. Organized formally in 1956, CCL is dedicated to both scholarly excellence and collegial exchange and includes hundreds of members from a variety of academic institutions and religious...

Promoting the study and appreciation of the time, life, works and cultural legacy of Dante Alighieri.

Incorporated in 1988 to promote, perpetuate, and enhance the study of Emily Dickinson worldwide through its journal, international conferences, graduate fellowships and awards, and support of local chapters/regional programming.

A multi- and interdisciplinary association of scholars in German, Austrian, and Swiss history, literature, culture studies, political science and economics, promoting the study of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

A center for practically engaged ethics at Georgetown University established in 1971 by founding scholars who helped invent the field of bioethics, tackling the most pressing ethical issues of our time.

Since 1948, the Melville Society brings together scholars, readers, and artists through the study and appreciation of the life and works of the author Herman Melville.

Founded in 1968 and dedicated to the promotion of Modern Greek Studies in the United States and Canada; conversant internationally on all issues, historical and contemporary, which pertain to Greek matters.

Devoted to the study of the arts in their social, political, cultural, and intellectual contexts from the later 19th through the mid-20th century, and providing an international and interdisciplinary forum for scholarly exchange.

Founded in 1970 and dedicated to the study of the history, literature, and theology of ancient Christianity with a diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches.

The principal learned society in North America for the study of ancient Greek and Roman languages, literatures, and civilizations, founded as the American Philological Association in 1869.

A forum where professionals in the sciences, medicine, the social sciences, the humanities, the arts, and independent scholars/artists can plumb the problems of science and representation as well as the cultural and social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine.

The Society is an international, scholarly, non-political, and nonprofit professional association of all persons interested in the study of Chinese, Jurchen, Khitan, Tangut, and Mongol history.

A global network for book historians and affiliated academic organizations around the world that support the study of book history in all its forms, from marks on stone to new media.

Promoting the history of children and youth by supporting interdisciplinary research on childhood, youth cultures, and the experience of young people across diverse times and places.

An interdisciplinary, international organization concerned with the history of technological devices and processes and technology in history and society; exploring the production, circulation, appropriation, maintenance, and abandonment of technology under specific historical circumstances.

Fostering inclusive, interdisciplinary, and ecumenical research and dialogue within the growing community of persons interested in the field of spirituality.