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Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric


Robert Gaines, University of Maryland

42 (2024)
Published quarterly for the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica welcomes articles and book reviews that address the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages and the relationship of rhetoric to poetics, literary theory and criticism, philosophy, religion, law, and other aspects of the cultural context. Submissions to Rhetorica must be composed in English, French, German, Italian, Latin, or Spanish. However, authors may discuss and quote texts in any language for which there exists a Unicode script.
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The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Manuscripts submitted to Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric should be original and not be under consideration elsewhere or previously published in whole or part without acknowledgement in the manuscript. More generally, Rhetorica endorses The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, by ALLEA, rev. ed. (Berlin, DE: ALLEA—All European Academies, 2023);;, and expects that all submissions are compliant with the principles of this Code.


Rhetorica Specifications and Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

General Specifications

Manuscripts submitted to Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric should be original and not be under consideration elsewhere or previously published in any language. Where manuscripts include or closely follow parts of an author’s earlier publications, including translations, this fact must be clearly documented within the manuscript. More generally, Rhetorica endorses The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, by ALLEA, rev. ed. (Berlin, DE: ALLEA—All European Academies, 2023);;, and expects that all submissions are compliant with the principles of this Code.

The identity of authors is concealed from evaluators of manuscripts; therefore, each submission should include a separate title page containing the title of the essay and the author’s name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. Besides the title and the author's name, this page should not contain information that would form part of the published article envisioned in the manuscript. The author’s identity should not otherwise be revealed in the manuscript (third person references to the author's published research may be revised once a manuscript is accepted for publication). The essay title should be repeated on the first page of the text of the manuscript.

Manuscripts, including text, quotations, and notes, must be typed in Word files (.doc or .docx) and double-spaced throughout. Generally, manuscripts should be complete in 8,000 to 12,000 words, including notes. Authors may compose the text of manuscripts only in English, French, German, Italian, Latin, or Spanish (of course, other languages may be quoted). At the beginning of every manuscript the author should include the title of the article, an abstract of about 100 words, and a limited list of keywords. Authors are responsible for verifying all quotations, citations, and references in the manuscript before submission. Quotations must be collated word-by-word with source texts. Sources and locations of quotations and citations in all sources (including primary texts and translations) must be provided and confirmed. Languages quoted—other than the manuscript’s composition language—should be accompanied by a translation in the composition language. Documentation of facts of publication for all works cited must be complete and scrutinized for accuracy. Generally, all documentation of sources and scholarly commentary must be accomplished in endnotes of the manuscript (i.e., do not use a reference list or bibliography). Authors should submit a manuscript to Rhetorica only if it conforms to these general specifications.

Articles should be submitted electronically as email attachments to the Rhetorica Editor (currently Robert Gaines,

Submission of books for possible review should be submitted to the Rhetorica Book Review Editor at the prescribed addresses (currently Artur Costrino, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais (ICHS), Rua do Seminário, sem número, Centro, 35420000 - Mariana, MG – Brasil;

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

Prior to final acceptance of any article for publication in Rhetorica, authors need to ensure that the article conforms to the following guidelines. The guidelines are an implementation of The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2024; hereafter CMOS). For any matter of documentation not addressed in particulars presented here, CMOS serves as the authority.

  1. Authors must compose manuscripts in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Latin, or Spanish. However, authors may discuss and quote texts written in any language for which there exists a Unicode script (see
  2. Typescripts should be double-spaced in Word files (.doc or .docx format), and Times or Times New Roman 12 font should be used throughout the manuscript. Document size should be 8.5 x 11 or A4 with 1-inch margins and hyphenation option turned off. Margins must be justified flush left (with certain exceptions for quotations and notes containing languages that are printed from right to left). Generally, all documentation of sources must be presented exclusively in notes. Notes should be formatted as endnotes in the manuscript. The beginning of the first paragraph in each section of the manuscript is not indented. Paragraphs thereafter are indented using the Word horizontal rule (do not insert tabs or spaces). Place page numbers at the bottom middle of each page with the title page numbered 1 and all other pages numbered sequentially.
  3. In submitted manuscripts, after the article title (at the top of page 1), include an abstractat the beginning of the manuscript of about 100 words. For purposes of manuscript review, the language of abstracts should match the composition language of the submission. Following the abstract, provide a limited number of keywords. The language of these keywords should also match the manuscript’s composition language. 
  4. For all Subheads in the manuscript, differentiate heading levels by including the appropriate <A level>, <B level>, <C level> code next to the heading (for example, Themes in Dialogus de oratoribus <A level>; Decline of Oratory <B level.
  5. For any textual passage that is quoted in Rhetorica, it is necessary that the source(s) of the quotation be fully documented. This principle applies to primary texts and translated texts. So, for example, a quotation of Demetrius’s Περὶ ἑρμηνείαςin ancient Greek must be documented with reference to the specific published source from which the text is drawn, for instance, Démétrios, Du style, éd. et trad., Pierre Chiron, Collection des universités de France Série grecque—Collection Budé 353 (Paris, FR: Belles lettres, 1993). Where the text quoted is unpublished, the source material that supports the text (or reading) must be documented. Where the quotation is a translation, the source of the original language text as well as the source of the translation must be fully documented, for instance, Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric, text in Aristotelis Ars rhetorica, ed. Rudolf Kassel (Berlin, DE: De Gruyter, 1976), trans. J. H. Freese, rev. Gisela Striker in Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric, Loeb Classical Library 193 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020).
  6. Block quotes are generally used to format quotations that are 100 words or longer:  Indent block quotes and leave an extra space above and below them. Do not place quotation marks at the beginning and end of the block quote.  For purposes of manuscript submission, mark the  beginning of any block quote with this coding <ext> and the ending of the block quote with this coding </ext>. Poetry may be presented in block quote format: For poetry set as a block quote off from text, indicate line breaks with a hard return. If you cannot fit the entire line of poetry on your typed copy, let the text wrap and indicate the end of the line with a hard return. For poetry set in line with text or notes, use space-slash-space between each line, for example, Robert Burns, “Some o’ you nicely ken the laws, / To round the period an’ pauſe, / An’ with rhetoric clauſe on clauſe / To mak harangues; / Then echo thro’ Saint Stephen’s wa’s / Auld Scotland’s wrangs.” (“The Author’s Earnest Cry and Prayer, To the Right Honorable and Honorable, the Scotch Repreſentatives in the Houſe of Commons,” in Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, by Robert Burns, 3rd. ed. [London, GB: A. Strahan, T. Cadell, and W. Creech, 1787], 37.)
  7. Regarding hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes, enter hyphens as you would be advised by CMOS 6.79–6.81; for example, twelfth-century preaching. For dates, page ranges, and other numerical ranges, also use a hyphen (for example, 1400-1600 CE, x-xi, §§16-18). At JHUP these hyphens will be replaced by en dashes in the proof sheet production process. Similarly, for normal dashes, use two unspaced hyphens, for example, “For an em dash--one that indicates a break in a sentence like this--type two hyphens (leave no space on either side).” (cf. CMOS 2.17). At JHUP these double hyphens will be replaced by em dashes in the proof sheet production process.
  8. For word strings that require italics, use the italic font option in Word. Otherwise, by default any words that appear underlined in a manuscript will be changed to italic font.
  9. Bullets points (and more generally unordered lists) should be used sparingly in Rhetorica articles. The formatting of bulleted material is the prerogative of the Press—not the author.
  10. Acknowledgments of all sorts should be placed in the first or last numbered endnote in the submitted manuscript. If the author believes that content in acknowledgements might personally identify the author, then the author should install an acknowledgement placeholder in a note at the appropriate place.
  11. If a manuscript includes a non-Latin script (e.g., polytonic Greek or Arabic), the author should submit any text with that script in Unicode. If a manuscript includes a Latin script with diacritics or any non-Latin script, the submission should be accompanied by a complete manuscript in PDF.
  12. Short phrases transliterated in Latin script from languages that employ non-Latin scripts should be italicized (at least in their first instance, CMOS 11.82). Transliterations of Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Russian, South Asian languages, and classical Greek should conform to the specifications set out by CMOS (11.83–131). (Note especially that classical Greek transliterations require macrons over the letters representing eta [ē] and omega [ō].) For other non-Latin scripts, authors should document the source for transliteration principles used in their manuscripts (this is very important).
  13. Authors may quote either in translation or in the original language, depending on the point they are making. However, when consultation of primary sources is important for the argument, the primary source should be provided in the original language. Original language quotations must be accompanied by translations either immediately following the quotation in the text or in a note. Where notes contain passages in the original language, a translation must appear in the note as well. If translations are created by the author, this fact must be specified, either globally or case by case. If translations are not created by the author, the translator must always be identified in documentation. Italics (not underlines) should be used for titles of books, periodicals, works of art, and short phrases in foreign languages.
  14. Notes should be confined mainly to documentation of references and quotations. Notes may also be used to contextualize the author’s argument in the article. However, unless they are directly related the author’s argument, notes should not be used to provide literary history of sources, reviews of literature on topics incidental the author’s argument, or critical commentary on texts interpreted by the author. Use the normal endnote feature of your word-processing program (Word or Word compatible). In the first note where a work is mentioned, facts of publication for references should be given in full. Author names must be complete (or as printed in the referenced source), titles should be complete (that is, not shortened), translator names must be complete, translation titles must be complete, and series information must be presented in full. Where there is a particular page citation to the work, the full page-range of the work is not provided. In subsequent notes, the work may be referred to in a shortened, but clear form (i.e., author last name, shortened work title, and page or canonical reference). Immediately following a full or shortened reference to a single source, references to that source may be transacted by placing page numbers in parenthesis within the essay (CMOS 12.77). Page-number references may continue until another source is referenced.
  15. Places of publication must be documented for all books (if known). Publishers must be documented for books from 1900 onward (CMOS 14.31). However, it is permissible and often preferable to include publisher names for books published before 1900. Otherwise, as already indicated, titles of books, journals, and series must be presented in full.
  16. Never use f., ff., ibid, idem, loc. cit., op. cit., or passim in notes or parenthetical citations (cf. CMOS 14.37–39; 14.48).
  17. Notes should almost never include cross-references to page numbers or note numbers in the manuscript. When employed, cross-references must be assiduously verified in article proof sheets by the author (CMOS 13.34).
  18. Do not use “quoted in” (or secondary source) citations except when absolutely necessary. and then, only with scrupulous attention to full documentation of both the original source as well as the secondary source that provides information about the original source (CMOS 14.160). “Quoted in” is necessary when the original source no longer exists (e.g., a manuscript lost or destroyed) or the original source is very difficult to access (e.g., a pamphlet in a private collection or an article in a journal available only in a few libraries worldwide).
  19. The following are departures from CMOS that are observed in these Rhetorica Guidelines:
    1. In references to books published in the 18th century or later, after all places of publication, provide an abbreviated indication of the appropriate state or country of the place; e.g., Berlin, DE; Cairo, EG; Cambridge, GB; Copenhagen, DK; Geneva, CH; Kyiv, UA; Leiden, NL; Madrid, ES; New York, NY; Paris, FR; Rio de Janeiro, BR; Rome, IT; Leiden, NL; Vancouver, CA (for alpha-2 country codes, see
    2. In references to multi-volume books where a volume number and colon precedes a page number or a page range, insert a space after the colon: e.g., 1: 110; 5: 421–422.
    3. In references to inclusive numbers, use complete, not abbreviated, numbers; e.g., 101–108; 321–328; 808–833; 1103–1104; 12991–13001.
    4. In references to passages in online publications that are not paginated, but have stable paragraph indications, following the web address for the publication in the reference, enter a paragraph number or paragraph range for the passage cited (e.g., para. 4, para. 5–7). Count only paragraphs in the text, not paratextual features of the text. If a non-paginated online text is not punctuated into stable paragraphs, then provide a sentence number or sentence range for the passage cited (e.g., sentence 21, sentences 30–32). In references to passages in online publications that are paginated, always include the page number as part of the reference (compare CMOS 14.87, 14.89).
  20. Documentation of sources cited for the first and subsequent times should be composed consistent with the following samples:
  21. The editor reserves the right to edit for style, sense, accuracy, and completeness.
  22. Miscellaneous

    BCE and CE (full caps, no periods).
    Double quotation marks, then single within double.
    Spaces between initials: C. S. Peirce.
    For “see” in note references, please use the full word in the composition language of the manuscript (rarely use v. or its equivalent).
    Use “cf.” (never cfr.) only when inviting the reader to “compare” one source or passage with the present source or passage (this with an implication of difference).
    Empty space before and after three-dot ellipses, thus x . . . y. (do not use the ellipsis symbol).
    Commas and periods within quotation marks, thus “abc,” and “abc.”
    Commas after the penultimate member of a series before the ultimate, thus a, b, and c. (the so-called “Oxford comma”).

Last Updated November 1, 2024

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