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Andrew Bone and Gülberk Koç Maclean
Arlene Duncan
Michael Beaney, Philosophy, University of Aberdeen/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
David Blitz, Philosophy, Central Connecticut State
Kenneth Blackwell, Russell Research Centre, McMaster University
William Bruneau, Educational Studies, University of British Columbia
James Connelly, Philosophy, Trent University
A.C. Grayling, Philosophy, New College of the Humanities, London
Nicholas Griffin, Philosophy, McMaster University
Stephen Heathorn, History, McMaster University
Peter Hylton, Philosophy, University of Chicago
Andrew D. Irvine, Philosophy, University of British Columbia
Alexander Klein, Philosophy, /Russell Centre, McMaster
Kevin C. Klement, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts—Amherst
Gregory Landini, Philosophy, University of Iowa
Bernard Linsky, Philosophy, University of Alberta
Ray Perkins, Jr., Philosophy, Plymouth State University
A.F. Schmid, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
Carl Spadoni, Library, McMaster University
Graham Stevens, Philosophy, University of Manchester
Sheila Turcon, Russell Research Centre, McMaster University
Alasdair Urquhart, Philosophy, University of Toronto
Russell Wahl, Philosophy, Idaho State University
Lawrence S. Wittner, History, State University of New York at Albany
Typesetting, Proofreading and Subscriptions: Arlene Duncan, since 2000
Manuscripts and books for review should be addressed to the Editors at russjour@mcmaster.ca.
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0.3 (2023)
0.2 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00005 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
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Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
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