Theory, Methods, Practice
Edited by Ron Stall, PhD, MPH, Brian Dodge, PhD, José A. Bauermeister, PhD, MPH, Tonia Poteat, PhD, MPH, And Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH
The first book focused entirely on the growing field of LGBTQ health research, this volume provides the necessary public health tools to teach about and study LGBTQ populations effectively.
Edited by Jules Gill-Peterson
From contributors to The Conversation, a look at gender diversity in the twenty-first century and the intricate and intersecting challenges faced by trans and nonbinary people.
Edited by Raymond E. Crossman
Why does queer leadership matter? In this book, the first of its kind, 15 LGBTQ presidents and chancellors in higher education provide insight into their experiences and highlight the importance of queer leadership for the academy and the world.
A reimagining of how the aesthetic movement of the Victorian era ushered in modern queer theory.