Building Gender Equity in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Change
Addressing the complex challenges facing the world requires the scientific and technical expertise of many people whose diverse talents can make a difference. Universities and colleges contribute to that work through research, teaching, and public engagement...

Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work, Third Edition
The third edition of Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work was already in press prior to the pandemic and, subsequently, the assault on the Capitol. While the book presaged these events, its core message remains relevant. The pandemic has...

When It Comes to PhD Reform, Everything Is Connected
In our new book, The New PhD: How to Build a Better Graduate Education, we make a case for student-centered, career-diverse, public-facing graduate school. But we also acknowledge the challenge of change, a challenge graduate education has not met for decades...

Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity – Q&A with author Sekile M. Nzinga
Why did you write Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity? I wrote this book to map neoliberalism in action and to expose the opaque market practices of contemporary higher education institutions that are compounding inequality for Black women...

Runaway College Costs: Q&A with Authors James V. Koch and Richard J. Cebula
Why did you write Runaway College Costs: How College Governing Boards Fail to Protect Their Students? Who has not heard complaints about the skyrocketing cost of attending college? Between Fall 2006 and Fall 2020, the growth in the cost of attending a four...

Becoming a Wildlife Professional
The origin of Becoming a Wildlife Professional was conceived after 20 years of experience teaching introductory wildlife ecology to freshmen university students. During the first class of each new semester, students are asked what wildlife career they desire...

The Empowered University
Higher education matters, now more than ever, for our students, our colleagues, and our society. And because it does, the culture of our campuses also matters now more than ever, because our values, attitudes, goals, and behaviors either encourage or limit...

The Truth About College Admission
Ask most high school students or adults to give word associations with “college,” and they typically respond with: freedom, opportunities, friends, learning, or other broad and generally positive, hope-filled language. Ask them to respond to “college admission...

Before We Reform, We Must Know What College is For
This is an age of reform. New model institutions, especially online ones, are offering degrees to students who never interact with professors or step on college campuses. Whereas the heart of collegiate education had long been the liberal arts and sciences...

Becoming an Academic
Becoming an Academic is the result of nearly 10 years of blogging on The Thesis Whisperer. The blog has become popular with PhD students and faculty in Australia and the UK as a trusted source of advice for people struggling with the “academic hunger games.”...