Engineering Standard Setting
When we started researching the global history of industrial standard setting, we expected that we would end up writing about a community of engineers acting in their typical role as conservative rationalizers, even if, in this case, they operated on the vast...

Communicating U.S. Science Policy
The complexity of scientific research does not always mesh well with transparency. Terror incidents in the 1990s led to rules "that undermined the ability of scientists and research institutions to self-regulate and in some cases to disseminate information...

Leibniz Discovers Asia: Social Networking in the Republic of Letters
Johns Hopkins University Press announces the first volume of “Information Cultures,” a series illuminating the material and cultural circumstances that have shaped the production, reading, and public consumption of texts. Editors: Ann Blair, Anthony Grafton...

American Cons and Scams
In April 2018, Social Research held its 37th Conference at The New School. a collaboration with the Society of Fellows and the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University, the conference examined "Cons and Scams: Their Place in American Culture."...

The Guts of Rights: Forensics in the World Reveals All
What is odd about forensic cultures is their overwhelming presence in popular outlets (at almost any hour a channel-flipper will find a forensic wallow) and their simultaneous invisibility from most domains of scholarship, particularly from historical and...

Celebrating Asian Pacific American Contributions
The celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month has only existed since 1990 when President George H.W. Bush extended the existing week-long commemoration to the entire month of May. JHUP journals have a long history of research about Asian American...

Delivering Effective College Mental Health Services
It seems odd, if not incredulous, but too few college counseling practitioners, as well as the upper administrators to whom they report, receive substantial training on how to build a counseling service from the ground up. In most mental health and higher...

Gamer Nation
One of my favorite movies from the 1970s is Richard Fleischer’s science fiction thriller Soylent Green. Set in 2022, the movie is wrapped in concerns of the early 1970s about overpopulation, dwindling resources, government corruption and corporate malpractice...

Wounded Planet: How Declining Biodiversity Endangers Health And How Bioethics Can Help
The biodiversity crisis is worse than climate change. This was the conclusion of leading international experts, meeting in Paris last week to assess the status of ecosystems. More than 1 million species will be annihilated in the next decades. Plants, insects...

On Systems Failure: The Uses of Disorder in English Literature
The idea that society is a system—or that it frequently acts like a system—is so familiar that we take it for granted. In a broad sense, we often find it easy to generalize about the behavior and beliefs of large groups of people. We talk confidently about...