Obsolete Again?
January Media Roundup
Behind the book: Selma’s Bloody Sunday
Is That a Fact?
From Here to There: Book Distribution 101
Distribution is an often-invisible part of book publishing. It is intuitive that authors write, editors acquire, production designs, marketing promotes, booksellers sell, and readers enjoy. It is easy to overlook the logistics between the finished book...
A Good Story, but Was It Accurate?
We hear a lot about fake news but what about fake history? How do we know that everything in history books is based on fact? We don’t. That is why history is always open to revision, and doing it requires a critical mind and the skills of a detective. I am a...
Before TV, “Comedy Central” was classical Athens
Komoidia (“party song”) was a type of play invented to mimic tragedy at the festival of the God Dionysus in 486 BC, and by mid-century it was as popular as its dignified ancestor. You may have heard of Aristophanes, but he was only one of many creators of...
Of Milk, Mothers, and Infants
The following is an excerpt from Milk: The Biology of Lactation by Michael L. Power and Jay Schulkin. The young mother hurries across the hot, dry sands, her four legs carrying her quickly toward her nest and the four precious eggs within, her tail swaying...
Journals, Marketing Staff Win Awards
The recent awards season treated the JHU Press Journals Division well with a number of honors being earned by several Press publications as well as by the Journals Marketing Division for its efforts in promoting the journals collection. Winning categories...
A New Smithsonian Museum
By Bob Post My friend at the MIT Museum, Deborah Douglas, describes Who Owns America’s Past? as “part history, part memoir, part polemic.” Such a trifurcation was not really on my mind as I wrote, but now I know Debbie is spot on. The polemic concerns, first...
A New Yorker Who Celebrates Birds Every Day
The following is a modified excerpt from Leslie Day's Field Guide to the Neighborhood Birds of New York City in celebration of National Bird Day. In New York City, birds are everywhere. They share the sidewalks with us. They build their nests on, above, and...
Reengineering and "Free College for All"
“Free college for all” was often in the news during the presidential campaign, and questions about the affordability of college can be expected to loom large whether any such proposal is enacted or not. There also will be new demands for accountability and...
Behind the book: Athens Burning
My history with Athens Burning goes back 40 years to when I was doing research for my Ph.D. on Greek burial customs. Athens’ main cemetery, called the Cerameicus or Potters’ Quarter, lies just outside the city wall on the west side of the city. I used to go...
Influences on Higher Education Rulemaking
Regulations that govern the implementation and administration of federal programs and policies under the Higher Education Act are created through the higher education rulemaking process. In my book, “Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating...