Berel Lang
Thomas L. Pangle
edited by Donald B. Kraybillwith a foreword by Martin E. Marty
Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegerstranslated by Martin Beagles, with a foreword by David Nirenberg and Richard L. Kagan
Torquato Tassoedited and translated by Anthony M. Esolen
edited by Sue E. S. Crawford and Laura R. Olson
Hent de Vries
Joy Dixon
Jason David BeDuhn
edited by Benjamin W. Redekop and Calvin W. Redekop
Rennie B. Schoepflin
Michael P. Carroll
D. G. Hart
edited by Tracy Schier and Cynthia Russett
edited by Kimberly D. Schmidt, Diane Zimmerman Umble, and Steven D. Reschly
Majid Khadduriforeword by R. K. Ramazani
Majid Khadduri
Belden C. Lane
Donald B. Kraybill
David R. Slavitt
with Hopkins Press Books