edited by Willem M. Roosenburg and Victor S. Kennedy
Leslie Day
Adrian Hoskins, F.R.E.S.
Jonathan A. Jenks
Lytton John Musselman and Harold J. Wiggins
Richard Ellis and James G. Mead
David W. Laist
Text by Alvin R. Breischillustrations by Matt Patterson
David B. Snyder and George H. Burgess
Danté Fenolio
Lawrence R. Heaney, Danilo S. Balete, and Eric A. Rickart
Val Kells, Luiz A. Rocha, and Larry G. Allen
Leslie Dayillustrated by Trudy Smokephotographs by Beth Bergmanforeword by Don Riepe
David Hallock Secor
Guy BaldassarreA Wildlife Management Institute Book
edited by David C. Rostal, Earl D. McCoy, and Henry R. Mushinsky
edited by Melvin L. Warren Jr. and Brooks M. Burrillustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri
Gene Helfman and George H. Burgess
Howard Youthillustrated by Mark A. Klinglerphotographs by Robert E. Mumford Jr.foreword by Kirk Johnson
J. Donald Hughes
with Hopkins Press Books