Philip P. Boucher
Thomas Vennum
Heather D. Curtis
Barton C. Hackerwith the assistance of Margaret Vining
Lawrence A. Peskin
Robert Tarule
Thomas A. Edisonedited by Paul B. Israel, Louis Carlat, David Hochfelder, Theresa M. Collins, and Brian C. Shipley
William H. Roberts
edited by Robert M. Lewis
Randall Strahan
Lorraine Smith Pangle
Crista DeLuzio
Aaron K. Ketchell
Williamjames Hull Hoffer
Paul R. Josephson
edited by Susan Manning and Andrew Taylor
Clay McShane and Joel A. Tarr
edited by Nathaniel C. Comfortforeword by Daniel J. KevlesEssays by Nathaniel C. Comfort, Michael Ruse, Scott F. Gilbert, Edward J. Larson, Jane Maienschein, Robert Maxwell Young
Sarah W. Tracy
with Hopkins Press Books