This [review] can hardly do justice to the scope and richness of Star's argument in each chapter, to the thoroughness with which he discusses his chosen texts, and to the creativity with which he exploits his simultaneous treatments of Seneca and Petronius. This book makes a major contribution to the modern bibliography of selfhood and self-formation in the early empire, and it will doubtless generate further debate in so vibrant an area of study.
With this book, Star contributes to a growing body of scholarship on the construction of the self in classical antiquity.
If this book only managed to demonstrate — as it unquestionably does — the complementary intertexuality of the Satyricon with Senecan philosophy, that alone would be a noteworthy achievement. But in fact The Empire of the Self is rife with compelling readings of its target texts that have ramifications beyond a narrow understanding of either author of their relationship to one another. Star's study offers its readers valuable insights into the governing metaphors and preoccupations of the Roman intelligentsia in the mid-first century CE.
Star has performed a valuable service in presenting a fresh approach to familiar authors which helps the discussion to move beyond some of the established academic truisms of the last few decades, and identifying the common conceptual ground that they share. He offers us a fresh perspective on both Seneca’s and Petronius’ views of self-fashioning, making a major contribution to several recent areas of interest within classics. Both graduate students and scholars working on Neronian literature or Roman concepts of identity will benefit from reading Star’s argument.
Star's highly original comparison of Seneca and Petronius offers us new vistas on the dynamic relationship between these two authors, not to mention the culture in which they lived and died, promoting and perverting the technologies of self-fashioning available to imperial Romans.
Book Details
Part I: Soul-Shaping Speech
1. Senecan Philosophy and the Psychology of Command
2. Self-Address in Senecan Tragedy
3. Self-Address in the Satyricon
Part II: Soul-Revealing
Part I: Soul-Shaping Speech
1. Senecan Philosophy and the Psychology of Command
2. Self-Address in Senecan Tragedy
3. Self-Address in the Satyricon
Part II: Soul-Revealing Speech
4. Political Speech in Declementia
5. Soul, Speech, and Politics in the Apocolocyntosisand the Satyricon
6. Writing, Body, and Money