All submissions to American Imago must be sent via email to the Editor at jane.hanenberg@verizon.net.
Articles submitted to the journal should be approximately 7000–9000 words. Where appropriate, the journal will consider lengthier submissions. Article submissions must include an abstract. Review essays should be 4000–6000 words and book reviews should be 2000-3000 words. Like article manuscripts, review essays and book reviews must be submitted in full to be considered for publication.
American Imago is committed to protecting privacy and confidentiality. However, personal stories, case studies and qualitative research studies may intrude on the privacy of third parties (e.g., family members, colleagues, or patients). As is standard in scholarly publishing, American Imago’s publication agreement requires authors to assume the responsibility for avoiding libel and privacy violations. Strategies for doing so include: • De-identify living individuals and institutions whenever making a statement about information that could be viewed as private (e.g., health information) or embarrassing or harmful to reputation. De-identification involves removing details about individuals or institutions that enable readers to determine the identity of the individual or institution. At a minimum, American Imago expects authors to remove the identifiers listed in the HIPAA safe harbor rule. • When the details of the study or story(e.g., your long-term employment) make it impossible to avoid identifying others who might be harmed by your story, then consider obtaining written permission from the living individuals or institutions that are identified in the study or story after allowing them to review the article. You may use American Imago’s Consent for Publication form for this purpose.
American Imago is committed to protecting privacy and confidentiality. However, personal stories, case studies and qualitative research studies may intrude on the privacy of third parties (e.g., family members, colleagues, or patients). As is standard in scholarly publishing, American Imago’s publication agreement requires authors to assume the responsibility for avoiding libel and privacy violations. Strategies for doing so include:
The list of references must conform to APA (American Psychological Association) style. The APA author-date system of citation must be used in the text. References from electronic sources must include full URL code and the date retrieved. The list of references should include only works cited in the essay. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for guidance in formatting references and page citations.
The alphabetical reference list should be titled “References” with entries in the following APA format:
Kris, E. (1941). The “danger” of propaganda. American Imago, 2(1), 3-42.
Deutsch, H. (1973). Confrontations with myself: An epilogue. New York: W. W. Norton.
References to the work of Sigmund Freud must cite either the Standard Edition or the German collected works with cross-reference to the Standard Edition. The following format will apply to Freud’s works:
Freud, S. (1930 [1929]). Civilization and its discontents. Standard Edition (Vol.21, pp. 59-145). London: Hogarth Press.
The APA author-date system requires that the author’s last name, date of publication, and the page number be inserted in a form appropriate to the reference within the text. Various examples can be found within the pages of the journal. At the end of a quotation, a complete citation will read as follows:
(Kris, 1941, p. 9)
(Deutsch, 1973, pp. 206-207)
The journal will include illustrations in black and white in its print edition. Color reproductions can for a fee be included in the print and electronic editions. Submissions that include images must be submitted in two separate files: a file in Word Document or compatible format including text, references, and endnotes; and a file with images and full captions in TIF or JPG and a resolution (dpi) of 300. Authors are responsible for handling permissions and fees associated with the reproduction of images.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
American Imago encourages submission of original scholarly papers relating psychoanalytic concepts to any area of the human sciences (e.g. history, literature, the arts, film, music, psychosocial experience, politics, etc.). Submissions should be non-simultaneous, but translations are acceptable. After preliminary review by the Editor, submissions are sent to one or two reviewers for double-blind review. Reviewers evaluate the quality of scholarship, clarity of expression and originality of submissions and recommend acceptance, rejection or revision. Review reports are sent to authors. If revisions are recommended, authors may re-submit papers for a second review process leading to final acceptance or rejection.
American Imago publishes reviews and review essays of books and special events related to its mission. Reviews may be submitted or solicited by the Editor, and they are reviewed for quality and expression by the Editor before acceptance or rejection.
Occasionally, the Editor may solicit papers and arrange for special issues on topics of contemporary interest.
Jane Hanenberg Ed.D.,
Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Vera J. Camden
Vered Lev Kenaan
Paulina Cossette
James Frosch
Daniel Jacobs
John Martin-Joy
Ellen Pinsky
Rosemary H. Balsam
Sergio Benvenuto
Mary Bergstein
Jeffrey Berman
Edward Emery
Jack Foehl
Stephen Frosh
Sander L. Gilman
Ellen Handler-Spitz
David Hillman
Lewis Kirshner
Anton O. Kris
Vered Lev Kenaan
Peter Loewenberg
George J. Makari
Donald Moss
Donna M. Orange
Diane O’Donoghue
Robert A. Paul
Jeffrey Prager
Bennett Simon
Madelon Sprengnether
Nellie L. Thompson
Adele Tutter
Louis Rose
Peter L. Rudnytsky
Martin J. Gliserman
Harry Slochower
George Wilbur
Hanns Sachs
The field of narrative medicine recognizes that stories articulate the language of the body. Rita Charon, the founder of the field of narrative medicine, brought both patient and practitioner to a fuller recognition of stories as a source of medical insight and intervention: stories that may take shape in words but originate through bodily drives. Drawing lessons from psychoanalysis about "attention, drives, and relationships," she reminded us that the nineteenth-century photographs of hysteria captured images of bodies telling stories not yet spoken.
This special issue of American Imago will sustain Charon's recognition of the place of psychoanalysis as an originating discourse in the practice of narrative medicine, but now will herald the burgeoning field of graphic medicine, which documents in image as well as text stories of health and illness-in comics. The same graphic novels and narratives which propelled comics studies into critical and academic acclaim now have taken center stage in medical, psychological, and other health and wellness arenas. Thus, this special issue will reframe for today's patients, practitioners, and critics the question that Charon posed over two dec ades ago in Psychoanalysis and Narrative Medicine: what are the dividends of placing psychoanalysis and graphic medicine side by side?
Contributors should consider, how can comics, which is filled with bodies displaying internal experience on the surface illuminate psychoanalysis, which opens both the analyst and analysand to the theaters of the body? How can psychoanalysis, which relies upon recursivity, help us think about comics, which relies upon sequentiality? This issue will reflect on such questions, bringing psychoanalysis and graphic medicine side by side to foster new cultural and clinical conversations.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a one-page CV should be sent to Vcamden@kent.edu and Valentino.Zullo@Ursuline.edu by September 15, 2023
Accepted contributors should submit first draft ofno more than 7500 words by January 15, 2024
All submissions to American Imago must be sent via email to the Editor at jane.hanenberg@verizon.net.
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Abstracts of English Studies (Ceased) (Print)
Chemical Abstracts (Print) (Ceased) (Print)
Children's Literature Abstracts (Ceased) (Print)
Index Medicus (Ceased) (Print)
MLA Abstracts of Articles in Scholarly Journals (Ceased) (Print)
Psychological Abstracts (Ceased) (Print)
Religion Index One: Periodicals (Ceased) (Print)
Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works (Ceased) (Print)
Middle East: Abstracts and Index (Researched / Unresolved) (Print)
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.1 (2023)
0.5 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00039 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI receive a JIF from the 2022 release in June 2023 onward, journals in the 25 arts & humanities categories will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles.
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Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December
Readers include: Psychologists; literary theorists; anthropologists; historians; political scientists; medical humanists; psychoanalysts; and scholars of Freudian thought, comparative literature, and cultural studies
Print circulation: 127
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") - $375.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") - $281.00
2 Page Spread - $563.00
March Issue - January 15
June Issue - April 15
September Issue - July 15
December Issue - October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00
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All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.
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Hopkins Press Journals